We want this authority to do something for us that isn’t fair to expect, and which is something we should be doing for ourselves in order to fully become ourselves.
After the Ego
11 The era of new consciousness
A force has been released into this universe with the goal, not of sweeping us out, but to sweep us clean.
A force has been released into this universe with the goal, not of sweeping us out, but to sweep us clean.

Many spiritual sources are delivering messages about an immense cosmic force that is sweeping this planet. A force has been released into this universe with the goal, not of sweeping us out, but to sweep us clean. There is a surge happening in our world, leading us toward spiritual truth. New values are pushing their way through old walls of resistance. Let’s look into what this cosmic force means in terms of a spiritual community, our individuality, and our personal healing and growth. What is this new consciousness about?

Earth, as a planet, is an entity, and each person who lives here is a cell. It’s much the same as the cells of a human body. Each cell, on planet Earth, is an energy center with consciousness. Just as the cells of a body are conscious and have energy. Now, the entity we call Earth is growing up. It’s at an inner crossroads, in the same way a growing person comes to inner crossroads.

At some point on our path, we each find that one part of us is ready to expand. In this part of ourselves, we are willing to take a risk and expose our secrets. We want to move into a new mode of living, with a new vision of ourselves. In this new modality, we are not going to shed what’s old. Rather we’ll transform whatever is not compatible with this pure, new influx. We are going to incorporate the pure substance woven into the old self, into an expanded version of ourselves. This will create a new version of ourselves.

What we come to realize is that another part of ourselves, our Lower Self, is going to attempt to obstruct this movement. This part fears and distrusts—and therefore resists—this kind of growth. It’s our ego consciousness that decides which part we will align with.

It’s inevitable that in such a conflict there will be crisis. This is created by the resisting part as it obstructs the evolutionary force that cannot be stopped. The less we are able to recognize what is happening in this struggle, the more we will deny and rationalize the true significance of what’s going on. And this will result in an equally great upheaval in our lives that will frighten us.

Listen and learn more.

After the Ego: Insights From the Pathwork® Guide on How to Wake Up

Read: The Era of New Consciousness