Pathwork Q&As

Pathwork Q&As

Answers to questions asked of the Pathwork Guide


Explore the complete Q&A collection

Here are fascinating answers to a deep and wide variety of life-related questions that were asked of a spirit being known only as the Guide, and spoken by Eva Pierrakos.

For many years, people have been reading the Pathwork lectures online at Between monthly lectures, Eva also held Q&A sessions during which participants could ask questions related to the most recent lecture, personal problems, or understanding life in general. Until now, these have not been widely read.

Jill Loree, Pathwork Helper and founder of Phoenesse, has taken on the task of arranging all the Pathwork Q&As by topic, making them easier to access through eight alphabetized volumes. Read online on The Guide Speaks for free. Or get the ebooks or paperbacks. 100% of proceeds from The Guide Speaks books goes to the International Pathwork Foundation. Proceeds from Keys go to Phoenesse.

The total volume of Pathwork Q&As fills eight 250-page books. Thankfully there is Keys, a single book filled with Jill Loree’s favorite Q&As. Get fascinating answers to important questions about:

  • Religion
  • Jesus Christ
  • Reincarnation
  • The Spirit World
  • Death
  • The Bible
  • Prayer & Meditation
  • God

All topics

Select any volume to explore topics on The Guide Speaks

Volume One


Animals: Animals | General • Pets • Problem With Animals

Astrology & Horoscopes: Astrology & Horoscopes | General • Karma & Past Lives • Neptune • Pluto • Saturn • Venus

Authority: Authority | General • Procrastination • Transference

Babies & Birth: Babies & Birth | General • Abortion • Birth Control • Cesarean Birth • Circumcision • Difficulty Conceiving • Painless Birth • Pregnancy

Balance: Balance | General • Spiral

Behaviors & Conditions: Acceptance • Ambition • Blame • Competitiveness • Confusion • Controlling • Courage • Depression • Domination • Doubt • Fantasy • Frustration • Guilt • Habit • Hurry • Integrity • Lying • Risk • Patience • Perfectionism • Punishing • Shame • Shoulds • Shyness • Superiority & Inferiority • Vulnerability • Withholding • Yielding

The Bible: The Bible | General • Adam & Eve / The Garden of Eden • Baptism • Bible Verses • Reincarnation • The Ten Commandments • Tower of Babel

Volume Two

Body & Health: Body & Health | General • Allergies • Alzheimer’s • Arthritis • Blood • Breathing • Cancer • Colds • Coma • Convulsive Movements • Coughing Spell • Cysts • Diabetes • Food & Nutrition • Hairiness • Headaches • Hearing • Heart • Hives • Hormones • Hypoglycemia • Injuries • Knees • Left & Right Sides • Legs • Leukemia • Menopause • Nail Biting • Neck • Numbness • Panic Attacks • Paralysis • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Skin Condition • Swallowing • Tears • Teeth & Gums • Throat • Vertigo • Vision • Water

Careers & Jobs: Careers & Jobs | General • Aptitude Tests • Developing Talent

Chaos & Crisis

Children: Children | General • Childish vs. Childlike • Destructiveness • Discipline • Nutrition • Sloppiness

Commitment: Commitment | General • Gradual Process • Not Finishing Tasks • Paying the Price

Communication: Communication | General • Language • Myth

Community Living: Community Living | General • Jim Jones

Compulsions & Addictions: Compulsions & Addictions | General • Alcohol • Defending Others • Hostility • Masturbation • Overspending • Relationship • Shoplifting • Smoking • Washing


Consciousness: Consciousness | General • The Unconscious • Uneven Development

Contraction: Contraction | General • In Relationship • Making Self Sick • Withdrawal

Cosmic Consciousness (Unity & Duality)

Cosmology: Cosmology | General • The Void

Creating Our Own Reality: Creating Our Own Reality | General • Deconstruction & Reconstruction

Creativity: Creativity | General • Creative Blocks

Volume Three

Death: Death | General • Accidents • Assassination of President Kennedy • Atheists • Child’s Death • Contacting The Dead • Euthanasia • Mass-Killing • Physical & Energetic Bodies • Redeath & Rebirth • Suicide



Earth Conditions: Earth Conditions | General • Air Pollution • Extinction • Population • Resources • Weather & Climate


Ego & Egocentricity

Emotions: Emotions | General • Angry Inner Child • Anxiety • Attitude Towards Pain • Bad Moods • Childish Reactions • Compassion vs. Pity • Crying • Despair • Drugs & Alcohol • Emotional Bondage • Envy • Feeling Separate • Inner Numbness • Jealousy • Manipulating Feelings • Oversensitivity

Energy: Energy | General • Cosmic Force • Energy Centers • Energy Fields • Energy Suckers • Energy Transmissions • Mutuality • Negative Energy • Opening The Centers

Fear: Fear | General • Fear of Abandonment • Fear of Another • Fear of Being Destroyed • Fear of Being In The Now • Fear of Change • Fear of Closeness • Fear of Commitment • Fear of Criticism • Fear of Death • Fear of Good Feelings • Fear of Letting Go • Fear of Losing Good Feelings • Fear of Making Decisions • Fear of Murder • Fear of Opening Up • Fear of People

Volume Four

Fear (Continued): Fear of Public Speaking • Fear of Rejection • Fear of Self • Fear of Sex • Fear of Success • Fear of Surpassing Parents • Fear of The Unknown • Overcoming Fear • Phobias

Game Playing: Game Playing | General • Spite

Geographic Move

Giving & Receiving: Giving & Receiving | General • Difficulty Giving • Difficulty Receiving • Pride

God: God | General • Asking For Healing • Inner Guidance • Surrender • Wanting Permission

Hate, Anger & Hostility: Hate, Anger & Hostility | General • Blaming Others • Defense Mechanism • Eliciting Anger • Group Work • Healthy Anger • Letting Go vs. Acting Out • Link to Sexuality • Physical Expression

Healing: Healing | General • Laying On of Hands • Metals, Stones, Crystals

Helping Others: Helping Others | General • Helping Parents • Helping the Homeless • Suffering

History: History | General • Hitler & Mussolini • Medicine & Psychiatry • Music & Art • Revolution • Spiritual Teachings

Human Being: Human Being | General • Being Average • Being Stuck • Doing vs. Being • Instincts • Meaning of Life • One’s Task

Individual Sessions & Group Work: Individual Sessions & Group Work | General • Age of Aquarius

Inertia: Inertia | General • Fatigue • Laziness

Internalized Parents

Intuition: Intuition | General • Psychic Powers & ESP

Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ | General • The Cross • Good Friday • Jesus’ Travels • Rebellious Christians & Jews • Spreading The Word • Virgin Mary

Karma (Cause & Effect): Karma (Cause & Effect) | General • Forgiveness


Volume Five

Love: Love | General • Fear of Love • For Family • Needing Approval • Physical Love • Unrequited Love

Mantras: Mantras | General • Positive Thinking

Marriage: Marriage | General • Attraction to Married People • Blood Types • Creating Obstructions • Divorce

Medical Treatment: Medical | General • Pain Medicine • Saving Lives

Meditation & Prayer: Meditation & Prayer | General • As Escape • Body Movement • Concentration Exercises • How To Meditate • How To Pray • Lord’s Prayer • Patience & Faith • Praying For Others • Visualization

Memories: Memories | General • No Childhood Memories • Over-Dwelling

Mental & Physical Challenges: Mental & Physical Challenges | General • Down’s Syndrome • Mentally Impaired Child • Mentally Impaired Parent • Speech Impediment

Mind, Brain & Intelligence: Mind, Brain & Intelligence | General • Computers • Concentration • Conscious & Unconscious Mind • Einstein’s Brain • Intellectual & Emotional Maturity • Limiting Beliefs • Memory Retention



Mysticism & Numerology


Negativity: Negativity | General • Doom & Disaster • Hopelessness • Pessimism • Positive Essence • Sarcasm • Stubborn Will

Pain: Pain | General • Numbness • Pain As Symptom • Pain/Pleasure Principle • Psychosomatic Pain

Parenting: Parenting | General • Communication • Discipline • Drug Use • Financial Dependence • Guilt • Meeting Birth Parents • Monsters • Murderous Impulses • Sexuality • Sibling Rivalry • Step Parenting

Volume Six

Pathwork®: Pathwork® | General • Basic Approach • Criticism of Pathwork® • Daily Review • Editing The Lectures • Encouragement • For Helpers • The Force • Group Work • Higher Self, Lower Self, Mask • Holland Pathwork® • Images • Inner Levels • Michigan Pathwork® • New Phase • Resistance To The Work • Transference • Washington Pathwork® • Why More Women • Youth

The Pathwork® Center in Phoenicia, New York: The Pathwork® Center | General • Buildings • Financial Aid • Group Dynamics • Leadership • Legal Issues • Marketing • Participation • Residents • Scheduling • Three Developmental Stages

The Pathwork® Medium & Mediumship: Mediumship | General • Comments from Eva • Communication with the Guide • Conversation with Eva & John

Volume Seven

Pleasure: Pleasure | General • Music

Politics: Politics | General • Communism

Predictions & Prophecy: Predictions & Prophecy | General • Humanity’s Destruction • Nostradamus

Privacy vs. Secrecy

Psychology: Psychology | General • Biofeedback • Freudian Concepts • Hypnosis & Acupuncture • Insanity • Introversion & Extroversion • Masochism & Sadism • Nervous Breakdown • Schizophrenia • Shock Treatment

Punishment & Criminals: Punishment & Criminals | General • Capital Punishment • Injustice

Races: Races | General • Racism

Reincarnation: Reincarnation | General • Artistic Talents • Male & Female Incarnations • Oedipus Complex • Parent Selection • Wasted Lifetimes • Within Same Life

Relationship: Relationship | General • Admitting Mistakes • Child Behavior • Clinging to a Parent • Contempt for Men • Dependency • Difficulty Sustaining • Fear & Hostility • Feeling Unacceptable • Franticness • Friends • Giving And Receiving • Holding Back Feelings • Irrational Fears • Mutuality • Neediness • Negative Interactivity • Opposites • Over-Attachment • People Pleasing • Physical Contact • Pride • Projection & Blame • Proving Other Wrong • Readiness • Separating Wall • Sharing Fears • Siblings • Stay-Or-Go Dilemma • Submissiveness • Transference • Transitions • Unfaithfulness • Unfulfillment • Unrealistic Expectations • Vulnerability

Religion: Religion | General • Church • Eastern Religions • Gnostic Teachings • Holy Communion • Sabbath & Yom Kippur • Sin & Evil • True Religion

Rules: Rules | General • Defiance

Science: Science | General • Atomic Energy • Cloning • Evolution • Flying Saucers • Other Dimensions • The Universe

Volume Eight

Self-Development: Self-Development | General • Self-Acceptance • Self-Assertion • Self-Authority • Self-Care • Self-Confidence • Self-Criticism • Self-Destructiveness • Self-Discipline • Self-Dislike / Rejection • Self-Distraction • Self-Doubt • Self-Esteem • Self-Hate • Self-Healing • Self-Responsibility • Self-Righteousness • Self-Sacrifice • Self-Sufficiency

Sex & Sexuality: Sex & Sexuality | General • Abstinence • Bondage • Celibacy & Polygamy • Homosexuality • Orgasm • Sex Outside Marriage • Violent Fantasies

Sleep: Sleep | General • Difficulty Waking • Dreams • Listening While Sleeping • Sleep Walking

Society: Society | General • Conformity • Individual & Society • New Age Societies

Spirit World: Spirit World | General • Forces of Darkness • Ghosts • Guardian Angels • Names of Spirits • Ouija Boards • Trance Connections • White Brotherhood & Gods

Spiritual Qualities: Believing vs. Knowing • Blessings • Desirelessness • Faith & Hope • Grace

Symbolism: Dante’s Inferno • Mercury • Mirrors • Snake • Water

Time & Now

Transitions & Thresholds

Trust: Trust | General • Letting Go • Tests

Truth: Truth | General • Absolute Truth

Victim: Victim | General • Robbed • Safety & Security • Violence


Waste Removal

Will: Will | General • Alignment with God’s Will • God’s Will & Free Will

Women’s Movement

Yes / No-Currents