Phoenesse has had the pleasure of publishing the following books for family and friends:
- SALTY: The colorful adventures of a well-seasoned seadog
- NEAR NONSENSE: Playful poetry for children over 40
- WHY I LOVE MY NORWEGIAN HERITAGE: The life story of the Tollovsons, a.k.a. Thompsons
- THE ANT AND THE SNOWFLAKE: A tale of awakening for your inner child
- THE GIRL, THE FOX AND THE SUNFLOWER: The courage to create union

The colorful adventures of a well-seasoned seadog
Available in ebook and paperback: Amazon (including Kindle Unlimited)
SALTY: The colorful adventures of a well-seasoned seadog
By Lon Calloway (Jill Loree’s cousin)
For me, it was always about the motion. Not just the gentle rocking of a ship that made sleep such a pleasure, nor the heart-pumping thrill of going weightless in my rack as we tossed our way across some deep body of water. It was the fact I was on the move. That’s always been the best part. Going to sleep in one place and waking up in another was like being on a magic carpet.
It’s true, I dodged some shit with this way of life. Or as one early girlfriend put it, “Getting back on that boat is pretty damn convenient for you, isn’t it?” I admit, I wasn’t always there for those who stayed behind. But this has been my life, and over the decades I have become better and better at living it.
Through all the ups and downs, I’ve managed to live the most colorful life I could have imagined for myself, and I’m delighted to share some of the highlights with you. I hope you’ll be OK with the language. Truth be told, cursing is what made the ships go. So here it is: shipboard authentic and salty as hell. I could not tell these tales any other way.
– Captain Lon Calloway
From the back cover
When you’re out “on the salt,” the work is rough and the storms have no mercy. Yet the sun never fails to reemerge from behind the clouds, and if you look hard, a chuckle can be found.
Through this remarkable collection of stories—built from over 40 years working on the water—Lon captures the thrill of the action, the pain of the struggle, and the power of a good laugh. Because whether working as mate, quartermaster or captain, humor was always close by when Lon was on deck.
Salty takes you into this world filled with terror and triumph, and delivers a taste of an unfathomable life, working at sea.
Editor’s note
I had so much fun collaborating with my cousin Lon Calloway to publish his sea stories. I first became aware of them when I found them in a binder at my parents’ cabin in Northern Wisconsin. My dad, whose sister is Lon’s mom, was especially enamored with them and highly encouraged all of us to read them. “They are just so good,” he said.
One of the things I love about this is that my parents are in their eighties and both lifelong devout Lutherans. And yet there is so much heart in these fascinating stories—along with a ton of humor and touch of salt—that it makes our own hearts sing when we read them. At least mine did.
In my book, this is the essence of what it means to be spiritual: To uncover our inner light and let it shine out into the world. Nicely done, Cuz.
– Jill Loree
Note: I recommend reading Salty in the ebook format, as Lon’s stories include lots of colorful pictures!
©2020 Lon Calloway. All rights reserved.
Available in ebook and paperback | Amazon (including Kindle Unlimited)

Playful poetry for children over 40
Available in paperback on Amazon
NEAR NONSENSE: Playful poetry for children over 40
By Ed Thompson (Jill Loree’s Dad)
Editor’s note
When my dad, at the spry age of 81, asked me to help him publish a book of his original poems, I jumped at the chance. Once we got rolling, I went looking for pictures that would bring his work to life. Scrolling through images on Pixabay, using “quirky” for my search term, I came across some illustrations by Edward Lear that had potential.
So then I searched to find more illustrations by Edward Lear and, lo and behold, found a huge array of odd drawings that fit remarkably well with the theme of each of my dad’s poems. As in, fit like a glove.
We gave a small donation for the use of these unique pieces of art, and by the time the book was finished had landed on an apt title for his book: “Near Nonsense.” We were both just delighted with how it turned out.
Six months later, on a whim, I Googled Edward Lear and discovered he was born in England in 1812 and lived there until his death in 1888. During his life, he was a prolific creator of quirky poems and illustrations, and is now considered a cultural classic. Much of his timeless work has been collected into books, many of which have the word “nonsense” in the title. Hence, they are referred to as the Nonsense Series.
For generations, children have been delighting in these books. In the same way, it has been a true delight to make my father’s strikingly similar poetry and prose available in this colorful collection that will tickle people from every generation.
– Jill Loree
About the author
Ed Thompson is a lover of life, a giver of good humor, and a deeply proud Norwegian. Now, as he launches into his 8th decade, he offers this clever collection of 24 original poems and prose reflecting his quirky take on life.
Ed was born and raised in the wilds of Northern Wisconsin, where he mastered the art of self-preservation by learning to shovel at a young age. He is now a professor emeritus of UW-Barron County and lives pleasantly along the banks of the Red Cedar River with his wife of more than four decades, Marla.
©2020 Ed Thompson. All rights reserved.
Available in paperback on Amazon.
WHY I LOVE MY NORWEGIAN HERITAGE: The life story of the Tollovsons, also known as Thompsons
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WHY I LOVE MY NORWEGIAN HERITAGE: The life story of the Tollovsons, a.k.a. Thompsons
Compiled by Ed Thompson (Jill Loree’s Dad)
Much work and thought has gone into creating this collection of stories about the life of Anders Tollovson, as seen through the eyes of his family and others who knew him.
One source of information is from a book by Andrew’s granddaughter, Linda Thompson Mott. Other stories and incidents about Andrew came from several sources and will be indicated by name of who supplied the story. If no name appears, assume it to be me, Ed Thompson.
A great deal of information has been gathered from a tape recording of an interview with Andrew that was made in 1954. The recording was discovered by Jack Brown as he was going through his grandmother’s things. Jack is a great-grandson of Amanda, who was Andrew’s second daughter.
As I first listened to the recording, I realized Grandpa Andrew had lived a very special life. I also felt a sense of awe as I listened to him because I have done nothing to compare with Andrew and his generation. Let’s take a look at Andrew’s life and try to see what life events make up the life of a Norwegian like Andrew.
For it’s stories like those you are about to read that make me love my Norwegian heritage. I hope you appreciate this telling of his life.
–Ed Thompson
Editor’s note
My dad’s project, Why I Love My Norwegian Heritage, started out as a collection of stories about his grandpa Andrew, my great-grandfather. The idea arose from the discovery of an interview with Andrew that had been recorded in 1954, the same year Andrew died. To create this booklet, my father pulled together stories from that recording along with various family recollections about the man. It was my mother’s encouragement that more be included about Martine, Andrew’s second wife and my great-grandmother. As a result, this telling of their lives feels more balanced.
For while the work of farming the land was undoubtedly not easy, surely the work of bearing and raising 10 children in those times was also no simple matter. Yet it says something about the times—the late 1800s through the first half of the 1900s—that the stories passed down about women are harder to surface. For they are fewer and farther between. Because women’s work often wasn’t seen and appreciated the same way the men’s work was. Women, in general, weren’t seen and appreciated the same way men were.
My hat is off to both Andrew and Martine for their pluck and pioneering spirit. And I also commend my dad for creating this cache of remembrances about both their lives. Our generation stands on the shoulders of all our ancestors, the men and the women, who came before us. May they continue to lead us with the fine examples they set.
–Jill Loree

THE ANT & THE SNOWFLAKE: A tale of awakening for your inner child
Available in ebook and paperback on Amazon:
• English ( | The Ant and the Snowflake
• Portuguese ( | A Formiguinha e a Neve
THE ANT & THE SNOWFLAKE: A tale of awakening for your inner child
By Patrícia Paula (Jill Loree’s Portuguese translator)
Illustrations: Claudia Duarte
One day, after a lifetime of freezing her emotions, an Ant discovers her little foot is completely frozen. In this heart-warming fable about waking up, Patricia Paula follows the journey of the Ant who is determined to find freedom. The Ant meets many characters along the way who will help her see the true cause of her struggles: she has lost her inner way. Out of despair, Ant finally turns inward and discovers a warm inner connection, which leads her to true healing. Join little Ant’s journey and dissolve the snowflakes from your soul.
This is Patrícia’s second book from her “Tales of Awakening” series, which is brought to life by the delightful illustrations of Claudia Duarte.
I was six years old when I listened to the children’s literature classic “Ant and Snow” and felt the pain of that frozen foot like it was my own. Back then, I lived in a tropical country and, for most of my childhood, in the Amazon forest. So I wasn’t at any risk of dying of cold. But I was swallowed by the fear of that little Ant.
Years later, reading the Pathwork® Guide lectures, channeled by Eva Pierrakos, and following the speeches of Master Sri Prem Baba, I found out with astonishment that there were snowflakes in my soul. Parts of my being were frozen by fear of pain. And the more I dived into the wisdom of the Guide and Baba, the more I remembered the little Ant crying out for help to melt the snow off her little foot.
It’s been 12 years of studies and many experiences with wonderful therapists who taught me how to listen to the inner child’s voice and feel my vital center defrosting.
Until, on a blue morning in May, because the time is coming, my internal child blew in my ear and I wrote this retelling of the tale set to music by João de Clay in the 1970s.
Listening to this little story, told by my grandma Air or by Mama Zi, is part of my beautiful emotional memories that made my childhood an enchanted period.
I share with your child these words I received from my inner child. And may they be, in your life, a sunny day ray of sunshine with a soft breeze bringing to life all that has been frozen by fear, obstinacy and pride.
May divine grace and love flower the garden of your heart.
–Patrícia Paula
About the author
Patrícia Paula is a Brazilian writer who lives in France and is making the crossover from being a seeker to becoming a thinker. With her fertile mind, she has been able to open several trails through the forest: Luka’s mother, writer, translator, photographer, and facilitator of chakra harmonization therapies.
©2021 Patricia Paula. All rights reserved.
Available in ebook and paperback on Amazon:
• English ( | The Ant and the Snowflake: A tale of awakening for your inner child
• Portuguese ( | A Formiguinha e a Neve: Conto de despertar para a sua criança interior

THE GIRL, THE FOX, AND THE SUNFLOWER: The courage to create union
Available in ebook and paperback on Amazon:
• English ( | The Girl, the Fox, and the Sunflower: The Courage to Create Union
• French ( | La Fille, le Renard et le Tournesol: Le Courage de Créer des Liens
• Portuguese ( | A Menina, a Raposa e o Girassol: A Coragem de Criar Laços
• Spanish ( | La Niña, el Zorro y el Girasol: La Valentía de Crear Vínculos
THE GIRL, THE FOX, AND THE SUNFLOWER: The courage to create union
By Patricia Paula (Jill Loree’s Portuguese translator)
Illustrations: Claudia Duarte
The Girl, the Fox and the Sunflower is a delightful tale about the perils of not tending to the daily task of relationship. For every day, couples fall into the trap of distancing themselves, just when the blush of love was starting to bloom.
In this short, heartwarming story, a new couple discovers they must grow towards each other if they want to enjoy a happy life together.
Let yourself be inspired by Claudia’s charming illustrations and Patrícia’s sweet voice.
I wrote this story for Christmas 2015, inspired by the dream of bonding and creating union. And also by the hope of learning how to prune the baobabs of the heart before they become giants that prevent the meeting of the Real Self and, consequently, connecting with another.
May this fable be a seed of sunflower and union in your life.
– Patrícia Paula
©2019 Patricia Paula. All rights reserved.
Available in ebook and paperback on Amazon:
• English ( | The Girl, the Fox, and the Sunflower: The Courage to Create Union
• French ( | La Fille, le Renard et le Tournesol: Le Courage de Créer des Liens
• Portuguese ( | A Menina, a Raposa e o Girassol: A Coragem de Criar Laços
• Spanish ( | La Niña, el Zorro y el Girasol: La Valentía de Crear Vínculos

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