Holy Moly
Holy Moly
A collection of 10 Pathwork teachings

HOLY MOLY: The story of duality, darkness and a daring rescue
In Holy Moly, we discover the story of how this dualistic world with its unpleasant darkness began, and how the one who came to save us gave us the precious gift of light.
For while we may be on board with the reality that we live in a land of opposites—where everything splits into either/or of darkness or daylight, right or wrong, good or bad—many of us would like to know why it has to be this way. Better yet, is there any way around this?
Turns out, there is, but it’s going to require we become willing to work our way through the rough terrain of duality. For the only way out is by going through the darkness and then emerging fully into the light of oneness.
To do this, it can help if we understand the nature of duality, including how it came into existence. Further, we’ll come to see how, by holding truth gently in our being, we can learn to illuminate the darkness that pervades our world.

When we become more intent on the truth than on being right, we begin to transcend duality.
(Please read Holy Moly chapters in the order presented.)
Part I: The way of things
1 The good Lord willing | Podcast
Free will is a topic of great confusion for many. So which is it? Door Number One: people have no free will whatsoever—it’s all fate or destiny. Door Number Two: we only have free will, and it’s all free will. Or Door Number Three: maybe some things are determined by free will while others are not. Wouldn’t it be nice to know which is actually true?
2 Ushering in Christ | Podcast
What is the time of year that is most associated with Christ? For most of us, that would be Christmas. It is at that time of year when the light of Christ returns with renewed force in remembrance of the greatest deed that has ever been accomplished on this planet, ever.
This light is so strong—so penetrating and so glorious—it creates rejoicing. There is such wisdom coming from this light. For wisdom and light are one. In human words, we call this “enlightenment.”
Naturally, the question arises, “So can we only get back to God and re-attain perfection by way of Jesus?” The answer is this: Yes and No. It’s a paradox, but indeed, both answers are correct.
Part II: The path of opposites
4 Submitting and rebelling Christians | Podcast
Why do so many people have a strong negative reaction to the name “Jesus Christ?” The short answer is, we’ve become allergic to it after words from the Bible have been misused by organized religion for so long. But that doesn’t make our reaction right, or Jesus wrong.
5 Grappling with duality | Podcast
Everything about Jesus Christ, including the story of his life, the whole big reason for his incarnation—which we’ll get to—and his long-remembered teachings, is all about the fight for good. But if we’re going to talk about the good, we need to be willing to look at the bad. And suddenly we’re immersed in one of the biggest and perhaps the most badass battles of them all—duality.
6 Facing death and finding life | Podcast
The big enchilada we need to deal with—really get our arms around—is death. Even if our lives were no longer filled with our many little mini-dramas, in the end, physical death remains. And it’s a mystery. An unknown. No matter how much you think you know, it’s all conjecture. It’s our fear of death that creates the world of duality, this reality we live in. Yep, death is a problem for us. So we need to deal with it directly to break its grip on us.
Part III: The story of it all
Starting with God, what is there to say? God is great, and God is good. God is also beyond words. For us humans, it is not possible to know what God is. That said, God is both person and principle. Both are true.
In his male aspect, he is Creator. As such, in the West, we experience God as a “him.” In his masculine capacity, he takes action, he makes decisions and determinations. In this capacity, God created the universe, with all its laws and beings. We are created in his image, meaning all divine aspects occur, in a lesser degree, within us. And thus, creative ability exists in all of us too. It can’t not.
The creation of beings, of course, was in conjunction with the divine female aspect. So while in the active aspect, God is personality—active, thinking and planning—in the female aspect, God is in a state of being. This helps explain why Eastern philosophies experience God more through the peaceful state of sitting in meditation. They see a different face of God.
8 Fall of the Angels | Podcast
So how did these foreign layers come into being? Through the Fall of the Angels—for another name for these pure Godlike beings, or Holy Ghosts, is angels. Note the phrase here: Godlike. We are not saying we are God. God is a being, and what we possess has many divine attributes, but not to the same extent as the substance of God himself. The only way we can reunite with God is if the part that is in us becomes purified and free. We can’t be one with God when we’re a fouled up mess.
A means had to be found so that those who desired to return to God from the darkness could do so—without violating anyone’s free will, even that of Lucifer. This is the great Plan of Salvation in which Christ played a major role.
10 War of the worlds | Podcast
So a war took place between Christ and Lucifer. We can use our imagination to envision it being like a war with guns and spears, as would happen here. Of course, that’s not quite it, but somehow we can get that there was a spiritual war. Jesus and his team were so outnumbered that Lucifer had to admit it was a fair fight. So far, everyone was playing by the rules. This was a non-negotiable thing, this ability to make sure that in the end, even Lucifer would ultimately be able to get back to God. He will, of course, be that last one Home, since he was the very first to leave.
Part IV: The work of a life
11 The good fight | Podcast
OK, so Jesus loves us. Now what do we do with that? A good start is to work on removing the barriers that prevent us from feeling this truth. Many of us have already strengthened our realization that this world is infused with God, but not so many have made personal contact with him yet. God became human, so it is possible to know him in this personal and loving way.
Instead, we who believe in God often have a much more vague and general experience. This can be a problem because, in truth, we can only experience what we can conceive of and believe in.
12 A true trinity | Podcast
If we ask to know ourselves, our lovability and the beauty of our true spirit, we shall have it. That is salvation. And Christ made that possible. As he said, he is the way, he is the truth, and he is life. After what he did, it was no longer futile to try. God understands what makes us tick, so he has already forgiven us for all the shameful stuff we do. He knows we have to go through our sins so we can recognize them and choose a different way.
Part and parcel of this whole big drama is duality: the reality of opposites, where everything splits into either/or. As such, it’s hard for us to grasp the fact that the personal aspect of salvation—this notion that Jesus is here to help us—has three paradoxical aspects.
©2015 Jill Loree. All rights reserved.
Read original Pathwork® lectures:
18 Free Will
19 Jesus Christ
20 God: The Creation
21 The Fall
22 Salvation
81 Conflicts in the World of Duality
82 The Conquest of Duality Symbolized in the Life and Death of Jesus
143 Unity and Duality
247 The Mass Images of Judaism and Christianity
258 Personal Contact with Jesus Christ – Positive Aggression – The Real Meaning of Salvation

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