We could literally discuss love for an entire lifetime—every hour of every day—and it would not be possible to cover it all.
The Pull
15 Aspects of the anatomy of love: Self-love, structure, freedom
We could literally discuss love for an entire lifetime—every hour of every day—and it would not be possible to cover it all.
We could literally discuss love for an entire lifetime—every hour of every day—and it would not be possible to cover it all.

Love is the key to everything. It is the medicine we can use to heal all our sicknesses and all our sorrows. Love permeates all that is and is always available, although we often lose sight of this due to our boneheaded thinking. We could literally discuss the anatomy of love for an entire lifetime—every hour of every day—and it would not be possible to cover it all. Love is that big. For now, we’ll focus on a few key aspects of the anatomy of love—the ones we need most at this juncture.

So just what is this love everyone speaks of? Is it a force? Is it a feeling? Short answer: Yes, it’s all that and more. But let’s get more specific and look at how love applies to the three main personality types of Reason, Will and Emotion.

First off, it’s obvious that love is a feeling. But maybe it’s not so obvious that love results from an act of will that’s kicked off by our intelligence. So love then is intelligence. If we flop this idea over and view any issue with a wide-angle lens, we will see that wherever there is hatred, there is ignorance, no matter how covered up it may be with justification. It’s a lack of intelligence.

Hatred, of course, comes in many textures and hues, many of which are not acknowledged as such; it also comes in varying degrees of intensity. When love is lacking, this may show up as separateness, hopelessness, lack of faith or depression. Love is in short supply when we’re wallowing in fear or feeling victimized; also when there’s resentment, blame, hostility and out-and-out hatred.

Love then is certainly present when there is pure intelligence and reason. When there is a deep understanding of what’s going on, our vision expands and we are closer to the truth. Then it will be less and less possible to feel hate. And the wheels of love go around.

It’s impossible to feel loving when our will is not moving us in the direction of a loving way of being. So if we don’t want to fully understand something, which is an expression of our desire to love, then let’s face it, we do not wish to love. The result: we will not love. And then we’ll scratch our heads and wonder why we don’t feel love.

Sometimes it works the other way around: the will to love may stimulate our will to fully understand. In that case, understanding grows from love. At other times, the understanding comes first and it awakens our will to love. Six of one, half-dozen of the other. Either way, love can’t make it unless it’s paired with a nice dose of intelligence. Emotion, then, follows will as well as reason and intelligence.

Listen and learn more.

The Pull: Relationships & Their Spiritual Significance

The Pull, Chapter 15: Aspects of the Anatomy of Love: Self-Love, Structure, Freedom

Read Original Pathwork® Lecture: #240 Aspects of the Anatomy of Love: Self-Love, Structure, Freedom