8.1 How to find God (God)

“The truly wanting to get answers, to be in truth, is the key. If you truly want it and you formulate that desire and you become more specific in the desire, then you establish this contact with the divine self, with the cosmic truth within you.”

– Pathwork® Guide, Q&A #172

How to Find God

How should we think of God?


How does a person go about re-establishing an emotional experience about God?


Would you explain further about the state of being and how to achieve it?


You close all your sessions with, “Be in peace. Be in God.” My question is about God. Recently it has been in the public press that many in religion are beginning to question the meaning of God. Can you comment on that?


The Guide: I leave you all with the message that you please trust in the goodness of life and in your own goodness at the bottom of your heart. Bank on it. Pray for it. It is there. It is there. Focus on it, without overlooking the negative. Look at the negative and recognize it as a temporary, unreal, partial state. Take responsibility for it.

See it squarely, but never lose sight that that part in you that is capable of this self-confrontation and honesty and openness and exposure—that part that is capable to choose the proper attitude—is the God that is eternal. It is so near. It is your choice—the choice in which way you direct your thinking.

Do you direct your thinking into an abysmal hopelessness and self-defeat because you are imperfect, or do you direct your thinking into acknowledging your divine nature, even though there are imperfect parts in you? They’re only parts. Know your beauty. Know your eternal greatness. You are God.

Be in peace. Be in God.