Words are the blueprint necessary for building any structure…Nothing in creation can exist unless a word has been spoken, known, held, believed in and committed to…

Holy Scripture starts by postulating that in the beginning was—or actually is—the word. The word is eternal; it will always be. It is from God’s spoken word that all creation came into being, including our personalities…So what do we do with this truth? Well, for one thing, we can become aware that every situation we experience in life is the product of words we ourselves have spoken…

We spend a lot of time busily blocking out the words we speak. We actually produce inner noise for this very purpose.
We spend a lot of time busily blocking out the words we speak. We actually produce inner noise for this very purpose.

Day in and day out, in every hour and every minute, we are constantly speaking words on various levels of our being. The goal of this spiritual path is to make all these words conscious. Because that is the only way for us to understand our creations…Unfortunately, we spend a lot of time busily blocking out the words we speak. We actually produce inner noise for this very purpose…

We may speak words of beauty and truth. But underneath lies incompatible material. So we create at best a short circuit and at worst a split in our consciousness…If we speak words that reveal divine principles but do so while the Lower Self is still hidden, we’re standing in a line-up of wishful thinking, pride, lack of faith and a fear of letting others see our imperfections…Words about limitless abundance, then, can be spoken without being in truth…

Deep in our hearts, we all carry some shards of feeling worthless; how can we challenge this if we secretly are terrified that worthlessness is the truth of who we are? All we can do is to block this “knowledge” and defend ourselves against it…So even if we become belligerent and tell ourselves we do deserve peace of mind, pleasure and abundance, deep down we feel we don’t really deserve this and so fear we’ll never have it…

Worse, we fear that if we did manage any kind of fulfillment, we’d need to steal it. And would therefore be punished. So on the surface we may speak words about what we long for, while simultaneously cutting ourselves off at the knees on another level. This state of division and self-denial makes us pessimistic about life and fearful of the world…

Our goal: establish a one-pointed word…They are no less powerful when they are not articulated well. Vague and hazy words need to be crystallized and brought out from behind the smoke screen…The silent word is not necessarily less powerful than a word that is uttered. In fact, words that wash across our vocal chords may well have much less energy than the ones held inside that are rooted in strong beliefs…

By tuning into the underground noise, and observing and identifying our words, we will gain a much better understanding of how we create our lives…Holding onto a nihilistic belief about a terrible world may seem preferable to seeing our own painful belief that we’re not worthy of the joy of life. But folks, if we believe this, we’re not in truth…

Nutshells: Short and sweet daily spiritual insights

Until we unwind all this for ourselves, we may be convinced that the positive words spoken on the surface are all that count. We might then use the fact of our opposite experiences as proof that life is unfair and untrustworthy. That our own inner processes have no bearing on what goes on. People, we then think, are victims of life…Once we go a little further in our work though, we will uncover our unfortunate self-hate. And our lack of faith in our own Higher Self. Knowing this information about words will help in our search for the imposters, those parts of ourselves who still speak on our behalf but don’t represent our best interest.

Nutshells: Daily Spiritual Insights

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Read Original Pathwork® Lecture: #233 The Power of the Word