For people walking a path of self-discovery—whether through therapy, spiritual counseling or the like—the work tends to concentrate on waking up our own inner being, bringing all our inner obstacles into our awareness so we can transform them. We need to get to know our Lower Self and how it operates if we want make another choice. For we are basically a big electromagnetic field that always follows the like-attracts-like rule. Bottom line: we need some information about the three faces of evil so we have a more complete and clear view of our lives and what we’re up against…

The first and most obvious principle of evil is separation…This includes separation from God as well as from others and from ourselves. It shows up in our cruelty toward others, after which we delude ourselves that somehow we are not to blame or we are the victim rather than the perpetrator. We disconnect from where evil lives in us…
We refuse to see that our brother and sister’s pain as unavoidably also our pain. Too often, we ignore this basic truth. And on top of that, we actually experience pleasure and excitement when we cause suffering and pain, and spread destruction. It’s funny how much we do this, but not ha-ha funny…
Materialism is the second principle of evil…In truth, we are living in a more advanced state due to our emphasis on matter and the technological progress we have made. But in this, we have become a reality onto ourselves. This has some upsides and some downsides…
The positive aspect of this is that it has brought people back to taking responsibility for themselves. It has caused us to search inside ourselves, to a greater degree, for what affects our fate. On the other hand, we have created a way of living here on Earth that is not completely different from that barren sphere of materialism described…
The third principle of evil is not widely known…This is the principle of confusion, distortion and half-truths, which come in many shades and varieties. This is the evil of using truth where it doesn’t belong, which subtly turns the truth into a lie…
In seeing this, we can start to become aware of when devilish forces are working away on us, trying to get us to destroy ourselves by inflicting pain on others…If we can start to see this in action, it will have a tremendous value for us. Because we can’t fight an enemy we don’t realize exists, and whose weapons we can’t identify…
They all contribute to the aim of the dark forces, which is to alienate us and all of creation from God…We’ve come a long way. People are opening up to accepting God as a creative principle, even though we may hesitate to accept that evil principles also exist. We drag our feet more still though in accepting that all principles manifest on Earth as entities. We fear being called childish or primitive by those who are too smart to believe in such things…
Knowledge that we are surrounded and influenced by angels does not need to lead us to worshipping angels and overlooking Christ, who was God’s human manifestation and who is the ultimate source of all the help we need. We also don’t need to skip over making a connection with Jesus Christ, as that is what opens a direct line of communication between us and God. Being aware of the presence of spiritual guides and angels also shouldn’t cause us to fear the devils, or dark angels, we attract from time to time…
The fact that they are able to get so close and have an effect on us is due to our own limited and not-yet-purified parts. Our immature aspects draw devils near us who confuse us with lies so we can’t separate truth from untruth. If we want to, though, we can use our confusion as a medicine. Because whenever it shows up, it tells us there is something in us that needs our attention…

But if we deny they exist, we’re not in a great position to counteract them. If we don’t know that at times they are surrounding us, we become their tool. If we don’t suspect that lies are being whispered into our thinking apparatus, we won’t develop the ability to question and doubt the thoughts that filter through us…
We need to fine-tune our awareness of the connection between our Lower Self—best well-known for its ignorance and fear, destructive defenses and negative intentions, and lack of faith—and the voices of devilish entities. These two are partners in crime, forever wreaking havoc in our lives and the lives of those we touch. It’s time to wake up to the facts, using our intelligence and fearlessness, so that we strengthen our connection with our Higher Self and its positive intention…
So true fact: Satan’s real rival is Jesus Christ, the one who came to Earth to open a way back for all of us caught in the morass of Satan’s lair and weakened by his influences. This is precisely related to the idea of personification. When Christ walked on Earth, manifesting God here as a man who was both divine and human, he accomplished the most incredible feat anyone could imagine. He proved that it could be done: a person could remain true to God and to truth, and not succumb to the greatest temptations and influences ever unleashed by the forces of evil…
Connecting with the light of Christ is like surrounding ourselves with an electric fence; when Lucifer’s henchmen run into this light, they suffer physical pain…The light of love is wickedly oppressive to them, and the light of positive aggression—standing up for ourselves and for what’s right—is terrifying to them…
If we allow our off-kilter desires and immature emotional reactions to fog our vision—letting ourselves be carried along by the realm of darkness—we will become a target for all three faces of evil. Perhaps we will hide cruelty under the guise of ‘just expressing our feelings;’ we’ll use gossip and the maligning of others as our tools of cruelty with the intention to hurt…
It’s so tempting to follow negative thoughts into the swamp. We get more and more fixated on the wrongs of another, blaming and accusing without regard for what is really true—the whole truth. Including our part. We prefer to believe the stories we tell and to continue to build cases against others…
The light carried in these teachings is always the light of Christ. Using this light, we can find our way to the truth in any issue, large or small, personal or universal. This is the way to find God who is the creator of eternal life, and who can only be found in the truth.
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Read Pearls, Full Chapter 13: Uncloaking the Three Faces of Evil: Separation, Materialism and Confusion