About Pathwork
About Pathwork
A profound collection of practical spiritual wisdom
Pathwork: The heart of this path
Pathwork is a trademarked word owned by the Pathwork Foundation, a non-profit organization. The collection of Pathwork lectures and Pathwork Q&As offered to the world by the Pathwork Guide are teachings about personal self-development. The original lectures—which were spoken by Eva Pierrakos over a period of 22 years—are available for free at www.pathwork.org.

John and Eva Pierrakos
circa 1970
About Pathwork
The original Pathwork lectures
What is Pathwork? The original Pathwork Guide lectures are the foundation of these teachings from Phoenesse. And they are all available online at www.pathwork.org. The 250 or so lectures from the Guide continue to unfold further each time you read them. The teachings also deliver universal messages that will pertain to everyone at some point on their journey. But how do you find the lecture that meets you where you are today?
The Real.Clear. 7-book series and the We Can Heal 2-book series offer 132 of these profound spiritual teachings rewritten in easy-to-read language and nicely organized for easier access. Discover which Pathwork teachings are in what Phoenesse books.
PATHWORK Questions and Answers
Here are fascinating answers to a deep and wide variety of life-related questions that were asked of a spirit being known as the Pathwork Guide, and spoken by Eva Pierrakos. This treasure trove of wisdom includes thousands of Q&As that few people have accessed—until now. You can read the complete body of Q&As on The Guide Speaks.
“May all of you find here or there a little key, a clarification, a helpful hint so as to shed light on your way, in your struggle to reach the light of truth, to understand your life in relationship to the universe, to understand yourself and therefore life.”
– Pathwork® Guide, Q&A #132
KEYWORDS: Jill Loree’s favorite Q&As
In this powerful collection, Jill Loree combines her favorite questions asked of the Pathwork Guide about Jesus Christ, religion, reincarnation, the Spirit World, death, the Bible, prayer and meditation, and God. Included are questions related to Pathwork lectures, personal problems and understanding life in general. You’ll find answers to important questions you didn’t even know you had. You can read the Keywords Collection:
- Online: The Guide Speaks
- Read on Kindle (get Mobi file)
- Read on Apple Books (get ePub file)