The order in which these important topics are presented matters. It will be this: God, the Creation, the Fall of the Angels, the Plan of Salvation, and the War of the Worlds.
Starting with God, what is there to say? God is great, God is good. And God is beyond words. For us humans, it is not possible to know what God is. That said, he is both person and principle. Both are true.
In his male aspect, he is Creator. As such, in the West, we experience God as a “him”. In his masculine capacity, he takes action, he makes decisions and determinations. In this capacity, God created the universe, with all its laws and beings. We are created in his image, meaning all divine aspects occur, in a lesser degree, within us. And thus, creative ability exists in all of us too. It can’t not.
The creation of beings, of course, was in conjunction with the divine female aspect. So while in the active aspect, God is personality—active, thinking and planning—and in the female aspect, God is in a state of being. This helps explain why Eastern philosophies experience God more through the peaceful state of sitting in meditation. They see a different face of God…
This divine substance with which we have all been created can best be described as a fluid substance of the most radiant matter. It’s the life force. And when it is “in the flow,” in a divine stream, and the divine female aspect is prevalent, it merges with God in a state of being, in a state of slow growth and organic building. When the male aspect is prevalent, there will be help with creation, in accordance with God’s will and divine law.
This is hard to grasp—the words here are so lacking. Even the highest spirits cannot fully grasp the love, wisdom and perfection of God and the infinite variety of his creation. So if this seems hard to understand, don’t sweat it. We can always just stand in awe and rejoice and praise God. Amen.
Listen and learn more.
Read Holy Moly, Chapter 7: God & Creation