A new era has begun. It is, among many things, a time of linking and connecting in many areas, on many levels, in many ways. The primary place to connect is on the inner levels, within the personality. But we must also connect on the outer levels. Then eventually the differences between religions, nations and the like, will disappear. Does this mean that individuality will go away? Absolutely not. Just the opposite will happen.
In a very practical sense, we are now moving out of duality. During the era of duality, there was a lot of diversity on the outer levels. Meanwhile, conformity and unity was more often within a person. This had a way of wiping out true individual expression. The age of unity now ushers in a different picture. Outer differences will go away as they lose their importance. We won’t attach our personal identity to our nationality or our religion. As such, we won’t block ourselves from finding our soul’s oneness with the All because of a rigid focus on differences.
What will gain importance in the new era will be our diverse divine expressions. From unified groups, a group consciousness will arise that will allow clearly defined individuals to evolve. And these people will be able to bring an even greater unity to the group process. Let’s now turn our attention to how the pulsation of life and consciousness works behind the scenes to support such an unfolding.
Everything in the universe is divine pulsation. As the universal spirit pulsates into matter, matter becomes enlivened by the pulse of the divine. The movement of the divine, as it expands and contracts, pushes its way into the void. Eternal life advances with each expanding move, enlivening the void, or vacuum, with spirit. At the “momentary” meeting of the void with divine substance, matter is created.
This pulse we are speaking of is an aspect of life we’re well aware of on this physical plane. Our own physical bodies are alive and we have a pulse. The heart, the lungs and the bloodstream all pulsate. We are quite familiar with this phenomena. What we are not so familiar with are the more finely calibrated pulsations. These happen in the mind, in our feeling self and in the body. In addition, there is a pulsation of life that is a spiritual push. It reaches out into the void, turning the void into life.
Each manifestation of life—whether it’s a person or a different kind of organism—is itself, a pulse beat. For life penetrates everything that is, so it is in all organisms. As long as a being is alive, this pulse of universal life expands into it. It’s one single pulse. But the pulse rate is not always the same. According to the rhythm of the entity, there will be a particular pulse beat that follows particular laws.
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