In the course of doing the work of healing, we develop on various levels of our being.
- In our spirit, we move from the separation of duality to unity.
- And in our mind, we move from images and vicious circles to truth.
- In our will, we move from forcing currents and withholding, to receptivity and a willingness to give.
- And in our emotions, we move from being blocked and numb, to being flowing and changing.
- In our bodies, we move from being frozen and split, to being open, breathing and integrated.
Over time, we will develop discernment and a truer perception about the world around us. We will shift from our defensiveness, to a stance of openness and transparency. The emotional reactions of others may affect us, but that doesn’t mean they activate us. We will be wise in our self-disclosure and rigorous in self-honesty. We will learn to become vulnerable and we will know peace.

The Way Out
An overview of doing the work of healing
Something triggers an emotional reaction | Bring reason to our emotions to discover the cause |
Come out of blame and being a victim | Take responsibility for seeing cause and effect in you |
Pray & meditate to see the truth | Use mature ego to connect with Higher Self |
Find the image | Clearly express the statement of the belief |
Release residual pain | Feel the pain of unmet needs |
Find the duality | See the misconception and open to seeing reality |
Feel and unwind the forcing current | Or find the collapse into hopelessness |
Recognize faults | Reveal the triad of pride, fear and self-will |
Connect with negative pleasure | Discover the pleasure in being destructive |
Transform negative intention | Find where you need to give |
Search for a no-current | Find faulty thinking that undermines fulfillment |
Uncover real needs | Pray and meditate to connect with your longing |
Impress soul substance with new awareness | Re-educate the inner child with the truth |
Pray for healing | Let divine energy fill and heal the wound |

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