This opening of our perspective about life can widen our lens, helping us feel the sidewalls of the greater container that holds us as we go through darker parts of our journey. If we lose sight of this, we can lose our way in the brambles of the Lower Self. One thing we can and should do is actively, consciously call spirits of truth and light to us.

If we give in to our Lower Self, violating divine law, we emanate a quality that draws the spirits of darkness nearer, like a magnet.
If we give in to our Lower Self, violating divine law, we emanate a quality that draws the spirits of darkness nearer, like a magnet.

Even if we don’t do this, when we overcome a fault, or fight our Lower Self and align with our desire to fulfill the will of God, we emanate a substance that draws spirits of light toward us.

By the same token, if we give in to our Lower Self, violating divine law, we emanate a quality that draws the spirits of darkness nearer, like a magnet. Emanating anger draws spirits of anger; selfishness will draw a specialist who will encourage us further in this fault; and so on. What comes out of us is what we draw toward us. Like attracts like.

Spilling the Script: A Concise Guide to Self-Knowing

There is a mutual activity the goes on here with the spirits of darkness. It goes like this: they fulfill a task in their world of darkness when they win out over a person. This is particularly true with someone who loves and seeks God. They are very keen on drawing us away from God.

But they are particularly keen on conquering people who seek God. So they try to get them to give in to their weaknesses. The spirits earn special rewards in their world for such work. They know very well that they cannot accomplish anything by trying to inspire us to do any type of wickedness that is foreign to us. But they can succeed with the seemingly harmless faults. Yet these can draw us slowly but surely further into darkness, depression, self-despising moods, and thus into separation from God.

Stumbling into the same fault in itself is not bad, provided one learns from it. No progress is possible without stumbling.
Stumbling into the same fault in itself is not bad, provided one learns from it. No progress is possible without stumbling.

It is not so much the fault in itself that is damaging. But rather that we become disgusted with ourselves and may thus give up the fight altogether. Stumbling into the same fault in itself is not bad, provided it is recognized and one learns from it by adopting the right and constructive attitude.

As a matter of fact, no progress is possible without stumbling. But when the stumbling is viewed with an attitude of hopelessness and self-disgust, then the clouds become bigger and bigger. Then a person gets more and more involved with the respective dark spirits, and with the world of darkness altogether.

Spilling the Script: A Concise Guide to Self-Knowing

We do not have to commit a crime in order to live in the world of darkness. There are other vibrations that can accomplish this. If, however, a person refuses to be an instrument for the powers of darkness, if we fight—and we can only do this by knowing our own faults extremely well, for only through them can we be tempted by the dark spirits—guess what happens.

The dark spirit will rise higher in its development—it will learn. Not directly, not immediately, because it is still so much in darkness that at first it will only know defeat. This defeat will cost it its position, so that it suffers. And only this suffering will bring it nearer to God. Because only then will it turn to God, as a last resort, in complete despair.

As long as it can claim victories in its world of darkness and has power there, it will never turn to God. So each victory, even the smallest one, of each human being, causes a tremendous chain reaction in the universe among beings of whom we are not even aware.

Spilling the Script: A Concise Guide to Self-Knowing
If we could know how much we accomplish by our victory—for ourselves and for so many other spirits as well—we would really try much harder.
If we could know how much we accomplish by our victory—for ourselves and for so many other spirits as well—we would really try much harder.

The Guide tells us that if we could know how much we accomplish by our victory—for ourselves and for so many other spirits as well—we would really try much harder. And not only evil spirits are affected by our victories, but also erring spirits who do not belong anywhere. They are often around us and learn from our victories in a much more direct way than those dark spirits.

So when we conquer ourselves, we are in fact a vital part of the great Plan of Salvation. We are then an active soldier in the fight. We are a front line soldier. And a front line soldier needs better weapons, more strength, and better protection than one who does not fight back or one who is in the hinterland. The weapons and the strength come to us from the Spirit World of God in guidance, enlightenment and recognition.

“Never forget that we are always there with you, no matter how close the dark spirits are allowed to come to you at certain times. We watch over you and see to it that they can never overstep their line. The last word is always you!

Do you permit yourself to know where your thoughts and decisions come from? Do you wish to listen to these voices, or perhaps to turn to the voice that is at times more removed and harder to discern?

At such times you need to assert your will to remain with God and serve him even stronger. You need to question the easiest way that comes to you. When you do this, you will always triumph, as God must finally triumph over Satan. The light of Christ is the strongest there is, and with it, you must be safe.”

– The Pathwork Guide in Q&A #247

On a bigger arc, our journey moves from experiencing ourselves as a child of our parents, to understanding the bigger holding—we are a child of God. To set the stage for this journey, the Guide’s earliest lectures were about creating a framework for understanding the Spirit World. More can be read under the topic Spirit World at

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