During my four years of training to become a Pathwork Helper, I had the incredibly good fortune to be taught by a number of experienced Pathwork Helpers, many of whom had gone through decades of in-depth explorations with the Guide’s teachings. Through their organizing, boiling down and sharing of these concepts, I was able to develop my own deep understanding of this profound material.

Special appreciation goes to Erena Bramos, Jack Clark, Jac Conaway, Keith Covington, Carol Hunt, Kim Rosen, Cynthia Schwartzberg, Brian Stokes, Mary MacGill Stokes, Donovan Thesenga and Susan Thesenga.
This book, then, is not an attempt to teach every lecture given by the Pathwork Guide. Rather, it is an attempt to synthesize and re-tell what I have been taught, pulling this together with what I have learned along the way. As such, it is a concentrated guide for following the most direct path to self-knowing.
For those familiar with the Pathwork lectures, it is my hope that this book will help you frame the work you are doing, so you can better understand the greater arc of the path you are on and see how everything fits together. For people unfamiliar with Pathwork, may this book help you find a doorway in, or perhaps offer insights that help deepen your work on your chosen path of spiritual self-development.
I have woven expressions from the spiritual recovery program Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) into this book, as they dovetail so beautifully with the Guide’s words. I have also worked in insights from Kabbalah, which I studied for four years under the wise and caring tutelage of Kimberly Cahill. Namaste, Kimberly, to the mega-watt light in you.
My gratitude for all my teachers runs deep. Most especially, I am grateful for everyone I have ever gone through struggles with. You have all been my buddhas, or teachers, showing me where I had work to do. Thank you for walking with me on this journey homeward.
– Jill Loree

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