We go through life unknowingly recreating this same unpleasant experience so we can activate our life force.
We go through life unknowingly recreating this same unpleasant experience so we can activate our life force.

The Guide teaches that life and pleasure are the same—people cannot live without pleasure. So when, as children, we found ourselves experiencing unpleasant feelings, we attached our pleasure current to the unpleasant experience. This is the crossing of pleasure and pain.

We then go through life unknowingly recreating this same unpleasant experience so we can activate our life force. This is why negativity is so hard to shed—it contains pleasure.

If the feeling was frustration, we will recreate frustration. Or if the atmosphere was chaotic, we will recreate chaos. If the pattern was need-rejection-collapse, we will recreate “I am hurt—I collapse to stop the pain.”

If we felt bullied, we will recreate that. A bully will hurt until the other gives in and they break through. The pleasure is in the intense contact. We need to find the pleasure in the destruction, seeing how we are electrified by a negative pleasure.

Spilling the Script: A Concise Guide to Self-Knowing

Our negative situations generate tension fields of energy. We may not know what life would be like without these humming around us. As with our childhood environment, they may feel like the water a fish swims in—they are just always there.

This is why negativity is so hard to shed—it contains pleasure.
This is why negativity is so hard to shed—it contains pleasure.

It takes some maturity to be able to tolerate a negative tension field while working to dismantle it. Otherwise, we may use various ways—such as eating, drinking, smoking, spending or gambling—to numb or distract ourselves from them. These pseudo-pleasures may feel like short-term relief from the tension—and these things may even deliver a hit of “aliveness”—but then they create more problems from which we hope to escape.

We can ask the question, “How do I get my life force activated?” Then we need to find the positive pleasure in this and reconvert this into a benign circle. It is actually powerful to align with God’s will, and we can cultivate that positive pleasure. As Keith Covington put it, “When we walk through the doorway of Christ, we become the door.”

Learn more in Bones, Chapter 16: How Pleasure Gets Twisted into Self-Perpetuating Cycles of Pain.

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