The two fundamental principles of the masculine and feminine are quintessential for the creative process to take place. The masculine holds the force of activation that “makes it happen”; the feminine holds the principle of getting out of the way and “letting it happen”. They are both always present when anything in the universe gets created. Literally anything and everything. It’s there when a farmer puts a seed in the ground, waters it and weeds around it (activation). And then the farmer leaves it alone so it can grow (letting be). Even these spiritual laws of life have relied on these two forces to come into being.

On Men & Women: Spiritual laws govern the two fundamental motions of discipline and letting go. In their healthy state, we could call these the prototypes of masculinity and femininity. And while they both exist in both men and women, we arrive at them from different directions. So where a man loses himself by finding himself, a woman finds herself by losing herself. These two motivating forces are the same thing!
On Men & Women: Spiritual laws govern the two fundamental motions of discipline and letting go. In their healthy state, we could call these the prototypes of masculinity and femininity. And while they both exist in both men and women, we arrive at them from different directions. So where a man loses himself by finding himself, a woman finds herself by losing herself. These two motivating forces are the same thing!

Spiritual laws also govern the two fundamental motions of discipline and letting go. In their healthy state, we could call these the prototypes of masculinity and femininity. And while they both exist in both men and women, we arrive at them from different directions.

So what happens when a man won’t take on the appropriate responsibility needed for his work or his everyday duties? Even more significantly, for his feelings? Perhaps he fears this would cause him too heavy a burden. But he simultaneously weighs himself down more and separates himself from everything his soul deeply desires. But when he takes full responsibility for all aspects of his life, with everything that entails, then he can safely let go of himself. By finding himself, he is able to lose himself.

What happens when a woman refuses to surrender herself and allow the apparent helplessness this involves? Perhaps she then attempts to control in an unhealthy and artificial way. As a result, she makes herself more helpless. At the same time, she isolates herself and gives up what is meant to be her destiny. But when she doesn’t let her pride, fear, and self-will get in the way and cause her to fight her destiny, she gains strength. For she finds her sense of security within herself. By losing herself, she is able to find herself.

So where a man loses himself by finding himself, a woman finds herself by losing herself. These two motivating forces are the same thing! If we look closely, we will discover that in a broad sense, every divine law contains these two principles: the masculine and feminine, or discipline and letting go. They complement one another and coexist in all parts of life.

Spiritual Laws: Hard & Fast Logic for Forging Ahead

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