The Law of Cause and Effect is not some impersonal, arbitrary force that has nothing to do with us. Quite the contrary. It directly links with the concept of free will and the reality that all outcomes are a result of our input. So we want to always be asking for guidance and sometimes waiting for it to manifest through whatever channels. But we can, at the same time, be engaging our own brains in being decent and responsible people. We can apply our free will to positively affect the outcome of any situation.
We need to understand that life, which is always a blend of both good parts and bad parts, is not the cause of all our problems. It’s the effect. The cause of our struggles is us and what we have set into motion through our errors and misunderstandings.
Note, the element of time has no bearing on the reality of cause and effect. So whether we are able to link cause with effect or whether the separation of time is too big for us to see the link, it’s still the same law operating behind the scenes. What then are we to do if we can’t see the root cause of our unrest? We must simply do our best to see what we can see. You know, all the stuff our nearest and dearest would readily point out to us but dare not say out of fear they’d hurt our feelings. And of course, they don’t think we’d listen even if they told us. Those are the things we need to look for.
So the factor of time does nothing to erase the reality of cause and effect. We must also realize that once an act happens, it’s irreversible and therefore its momentary consequences can’t be reversed. We can later try to correct our mistakes though by discovering our inner turmoil that led to a certain act.
In this way, we can neutralize the effect of a negative act. But in the moment, the act has consequences and those can’t be annulled. It’s only over time that we have any hope of eliminating the consequences that result from our actions. As such, time can potentially work in our favor.
We have a hard time comprehending that this whole place runs on the current of cause and effect. That it is spinning on top of wonderfully just laws that weave together mercy, grace, wisdom and love. As such, if we are living in truth and in alignment with spiritual laws, we’ll get along fine in life.
For it’s a law that what we put out is what we get back. This is a law that works on every level of existence, and make no mistake, this law works every time. Our goal then is to act and react in such a way that what is returned to us is what we want. Too often, though, we want to continue to cling to our misguided untrue beliefs about life. And the thing is, life has a hard time co-existing with untruth.
So in typical human fashion, we jump to the wrong conclusion and think that life is retaliating. Once we make some headway on our personal path, gaining some understanding about how this works, we’re bound to see that all evil is self-created. Every bad thing that has ever happened to us has an origin in us. And resolving the pain of the experience requires we unearth a hidden untruth. In doing this work of finding and unwinding the causes that live in us, we receive both the medicine that heals our hurts, and the lesson that helps us grow.
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