The gardener has zero ability to make a tree from a seed, or a fruit from a flower. Zero.
Finding Gold
8 Winner vs loser: Interplay between the self and creative forces
The gardener has zero ability to make a tree from a seed, or a fruit from a flower. Zero.
The gardener has zero ability to make a tree from a seed, or a fruit from a flower. Zero.

Living in this land of duality, we are continually harboring arbitrary either/or concepts. Some of these, we may not even be aware of. One of the most common ones, which causes one of our greatest limitations, is an attitude we hold about being a winner vs loser.

In this way of looking at things, being a winner means being ruthless. We must be selfish, trampling and triumphing over others and belittling them. This leaves no room for being kind, considerate or sympathetic. Should such emotions be allowed, one would fear turning into a loser.

Being a loser, then, means to be unselfish. We are then self-sacrificing, kind, good and considerate people. Some of us will adopt one alternative, and some the other. But everyone fears the consequences of being the opposite of what they are.

Neither of these two choices is good. Neither is better or worse. Both have the same misconceptions built into them. And both lead to nothing but loneliness, resentment, self-pity, self-contempt and frustration. No bueno.

When two people come together in a relationship from these opposite teams, it will be fraught with great friction that will lead to the point of hopelessness. The winner will be fearing impulses of genuine affection as much as they fear weakness and any inner desire for dependency. For the loser, their concept of goodness is equated with total approval from others. This means they can’t stand any form of criticism, whether it’s justified or not. Both sides are basically resenting in the other what they are fearing and fighting in themselves, which is their hidden tendency to be like the opposite choice. Oh brother.

Listen and learn more.

Finding Gold: The Search for Our Own Precious Self

Finding Gold, Chapter 8: Winner vs Loser: Interplay Between the Self and Creative Forces

Read Original Pathwork® Lecture: #129 Winner versus Loser: Interplay Between the Self and Creative Forces