We mistakenly believe we can avoid unpleasant feelings, and just enjoy the good ones. If only it worked that way.
We mistakenly believe we can avoid unpleasant feelings, and just enjoy the good ones. If only it worked that way.

We have the mistaken belief that we can freeze or avoid our unpleasant feelings, and then live life enjoying just the good ones. If only it worked that way. In truth, if we freeze one feeling, we freeze them all. The result is a numbed out life of overall flatness.

Pure Higher Self life force is totally positive, constructive and affirming. Lower Self is a distortion of Higher Self, which it works hard to repress. Negative emotions then cannot be replaced by positive emotions—they must be transformed.

Spilling the Script: A Concise Guide to Self-Knowing

Interestingly, the Guide tells us that we often have a greater fear of pleasure than of pain. The key in learning to tolerate pleasure is to learn to endure what is inside right now, which could include meanness, resentment, spite, jealousy, guilt, rage or terror.

It can feel painful to be with these uncomfortable feelings. We need to let them be present and held by the light of Higher Self. When we do, we can see that anxiety is really just suppressed excitement. Panic is really fear of fear. If we stop breathing, it can become fear of suffocating. Underneath, it’s really just energy, or excitement. Boredom is stifled energy that feels numb instead of anxious. Pleasure unfolds organically as a byproduct of going though the darkness within.

Learn more in Bones, Chapter 1: Emotional Growth and Its Function, and Chapter 2: The Importance of Feeling All Our Feelings, Including Fear.

Spilling the Script: A Concise Guide to Self-Knowing
Our goal is to return all our distorted aspects to their original face—through which shines the face of God.
Our goal is to return all our distorted aspects to their original face—through which shines the face of God.

When we release our blocked emotions and rewire our misguided thoughts to align with truth, we will feel an incredible infusion of new strength, resourcefulness and creative abilities. We are literally unwinding an aspect of negativity so that it can organically return to its higher energy state, and we can get our life force back.

So our intention is not to cut off or get rid of the Lower Self—it is alive and therefore is part of our real self. We want to convert it. In this way, for instance, we can learn from the Lower Self voice, finding perception and discernment in place of judgment. Our goal is to return all our distorted aspects to their original face—through which shines the face of God.

Learn more in Why Did God Make War?

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