Wherever there is fear, this is an indication that some spiritual law is being violated. In fact, all facets of life are affected by this principle of fear keeping us from living in alignment with the divine. For example, when we have a desire to be healthy because we fear being sick, we prevent good health. When we’re afraid of growing older, we keep ourselves from feeling young. If we fear being poor, we block abundance. Our fear of loneliness precludes finding real companionship. And if we fear life with a companion, we stop ourselves from enjoying self-containment.
Likewise with giving and receiving: if we fear giving, we can’t receive. It’s impossible; it’s a matter of psychic incompatibility. This is really a simple mathematical equation, or law of physics. And such laws contain a certain order that can’t be broken. In short, as a result of our unwillingness to give, we are constantly shortchanged. And whenever this happens, it seems to confirm our belief that it’s not safe to give because we don’t get a fair return.
In such an untruthful stance, a person’s psyche can’t possible be in alignment with spiritual law. We are closed off and can’t respond to the truth, and therefore we can’t open to receiving. All because we refuse to give.
When we do learn to give, we will, paradoxically, experience that the more we give, the more our energy is renewed within. That’s the Law of the Universal Life Principle working through us. When we operate from the separated Lower Self state however, we are stuck in the dualistic logic that says the more we give, the less we have. So to the split-off ego mind, where we are caught in the illusion of duality, it seems giving depletes us. But that is not in truth.
Taking this a step further, consider that in truth, giving and receiving are one. For if we have something we want to give someone and the other will not receive it, we are hurt. But when they take what we offer, they give something to us. So in the receiving is the giving, and in the giving is the receiving. There’s really no difference between the two.
The Law of Giving and Receiving is so vitally important to understand, it’s taught in every religious scripture that’s ever existed. For people everywhere believe that giving is some kind of sanctimonious edict issued forth by an arbitrary authority who is making demands on us, and who will hopefully reward us with something good in return. It’s like a form of bargaining.
In fact, we all have a built-in mechanism that makes it quite impossible to receive when our souls are withholding our innate desire and ability to give. Since the two are really one, it’s not possible for one to flow and not the other. So if we won’t trust life and we hold back, we can’t enter the flow of life. The whole process of giving and receiving comes to a screeching halt, along with the grace of God. That’s how we separate ourselves from the riches that are all around and just waiting to fill us.
Let’s take a quick look at jealousy and envy and competitiveness. Why are these never true feelings? Because they derive from the false assumption that there’s a limited supply of goodies on Earth. Therefore what someone else gets means less for us. The minute we buy the notion that we have any reason to feel deprived because someone else has something we don’t, we’re neglecting the greater truth of life. This includes the fact that we’re the ones cutting ourselves off from what we could have.
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