When we defend ourselves, nothing flows in and nothing gets out. So no fusion and no pleasure. No fun.
The Pull
7 The spiritual symbolism and significance of sexuality
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THE PULL: Relationships & their Spiritual Significance

Relationships are the most beautiful, challenging and growth-producing venture there is. When we lean into them, they can become the doorway through which we come to know ourselves and another soul—and ultimately God—a little better. Yet even though we all feel that pull to connect, we shy away.

Now, supported by these wise teachings, we can learn to follow our heart and get the most out of our relationships, stepping more fully into life. The Pull podcasts address age-old tensions between men and women, between pleasure and frustration, and between sexuality and spirituality.

Once we liberate ourselves by learning to understand ourselves better, we’ll intuitively find the right people to share ourselves with in the right way.

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6 The forces of love, eros and sex

The minute we think, “That’s all there is, folks,” it’s game over. It’s as simple as that with eros. People may be confused about a [...]

By |2023-09-18T15:12:04+00:00March 8, 2023|Comments Off on 6 The forces of love, eros and sex

5 Pleasure: The full pulsation of life

In the end, we’re stuck trying to wring the best life possible from our favorite bad habits—our life-destroying patterns. In truth, as long as we [...]

By |2023-09-18T15:11:57+00:00March 7, 2023|Comments Off on 5 Pleasure: The full pulsation of life
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