We can no longer bury our heads in the sand—along with our immaturity and images—and hope things will just all work out well in the end.
Get a Better Boat
16 Four hard lessons about immaturity and images

About: How images color life experiences

We can no longer bury our heads in the sand—along with our immaturity and images—and hope things will just all work out well in the end.
We can no longer bury our heads in the sand—along with our immaturity and images—and hope things will just all work out well in the end.

Things are amping up right now. Collectively, the world is experiencing an influx of energy that is helping to shimmy our images to the surface. For that’s the only way we’re going to see them and heal them. This influx, then, is coming to help us heal. We can no longer bury our heads in the sand—along with our immaturity and images—and hope things will just all work out well in the end. For there is a Lower Self script running in the background of every person’s life. And if Lower Self is directing our show, the ending will always be sad.

Bet a better boat book

All essays | Get a Better Boat

We Can Heal | After the Ego • Blinded by Fear

Real. Clear. series | Holy Moly • Finding Gold • Bible Me This • The Pull • Pearls • Gems • Bones • Nutshells

Self. Care. series | Spilling the Script • Healing the Hurt • Doing the Work

More | Walker • Word for Word • Living Light • Spiritual Laws

Read Keys, a collection of Jill Loree’s favorite Pathwork Questions & Answers, on The Guide Speaks