Get a Better Boat
Get a Better Boat
26 The story of our lives: Why look within?

About: The reason for self-examination

If we do this work of self-transformation, our many life stories will begin to have better endings.

The reason we need to “find ourselves” is that along the way, we’ve lost our connection to our own inner divine nature—to our light-filled center. What’s blocking us and our light then—and what is therefore making us so often feel unhappy and stuck—is our own inner obstacles, our own inner darkness. You know, it wasn’t always this way. There was a time—long before the creation of this time-bound universe—when we were all free-flowing beings of light. And we were all living together in freedom and peace, in truth and connection, in joy and contentment. So what happened?

Bet a better boat book

All essays | Get a Better Boat

We Can Heal | After the Ego • Blinded by Fear

Real. Clear. series | Holy Moly • Finding Gold • Bible Me This • The Pull • Pearls • Gems • Bones • Nutshells

Self. Care. series | Spilling the Script • Healing the Hurt • Doing the Work

More | Walker • Word for Word • Living Light • Spiritual Laws

Read Keys, a collection of Jill Loree’s favorite Pathwork Questions & Answers, on The Guide Speaks