Get a Better Boat
Get a Better Boat
27 How to heal a country

About: The basis for better governing

There is no governing body outside of us that can heal us. We must be the ones who heal the way we govern ourselves.

Our perception of the world is backwards—or inside out—from how it actually is. In reality, the world around us is always an out-picturing of what’s inside us. Our world reflects the collective contents of our psyche. What’s happening is we are dropping the ball on the two things a democracy demands most from each of us: self-responsibility and compassion.

Bet a better boat book

All essays | Get a Better Boat

We Can Heal | After the Ego • Blinded by Fear

Real. Clear. series | Holy Moly • Finding Gold • Bible Me This • The Pull • Pearls • Gems • Bones • Nutshells

Self. Care. series | Spilling the Script • Healing the Hurt • Doing the Work

More | Walker • Word for Word • Living Light • Spiritual Laws

Read Keys, a collection of Jill Loree’s favorite Pathwork Questions & Answers, on The Guide Speaks