Pathwork lectures
Pathwork lectures
A profound body of spiritual teachings
Eva Pierrakos, here with her husband John Pierrakos, delivered monthly Pathwork lectures over a 22-year period.
Follow the spiritual path to self-knowing
The Pathwork Guide lectures are the original foundation of these teachings from Phoenesse, and they are all available online at
The 250 or so lectures from the Pathwork Guide continue to unfold further each time you read them. The teachings also deliver universal messages that will pertain to everyone at some point on their journey. But how do you find the lecture that meets you where you are today?
The Real. Clear. spiritual book series provides roughly 100 of the teachings in easier-to-read language and nicely organized for easier access. You can listen to each chapter as a podcast.
You can also read an overview of the spiritual teachings in the Real.Clear. series, or explore the Self. Care. how-to-heal series.
“All you need is to be really in good faith and search deep inside your unexpressed consciousness. And that can be unearthed; with the help of someone, you can find it. Only in that moment do you become free, do you cease to experience yourself as a victim who is tied by circumstances beyond your control. That is always the key, my friends.
It is one of the basic principles of the teachings I am privileged to give you here. It is the basic principle of this Pathwork®. It is something that most people want to reject because it is uncomfortable, and they prefer to see themselves as a victim, at a tremendous cost. But the true freedom and liberation lies in always seeing what part you play volitionally in the situation you are in.”
– Pathwork® Guide, Q&A #201
Read Original Pathwork Lectures on the Pathwork Foundation website or by selecting any original lecture title below.
Lecture Titles
- The Sea of Life
- Decisions and Tests
- Choosing Your Destiny—The Will to Change
- World Weariness
- Happiness for Yourself or Happiness as a Link in the Chain of Life
- The Human Role in the Spiritual and Material Universes
- Asking for Help and Helping Others
- Mediumship—How to Contact God’s Spirit World
- Prayer and Meditation— The Lord’s Prayer
- Male and Female Incarnations: Their Rhythms and Causes
- Self-Knowledge—The Great Plan—The Spirit World
- The Order and Diversity of the Spiritual Worlds—The Process of Reincarnation
- Positive Thinking: The Right and the Wrong Kind
- The Higher Self, the Lower Self, and the Mask
- Influence Between the Spiritual World and the Material World
- Spiritual Nourishment—Willpower
- The Call—Daily Review
- Free Will
- Jesus Christ
- God: The Creation
- The Fall
- Salvation
- The Path: Initial Steps, Preparation, and Decisions
- Finding One’s Faults
- Escape Possible Also on the Path
- Communication with God—Daily Review
- The Forces of Activity and Passivity—Finding God’s Will
- Self-Will, Pride and Fear
- Shame
- Decision Making
- Occupation With Self–Right and Wrong Faith
- Preparation for Reincarnation
- Turning to God
- Prayer
- Acceptance, Right and Wrong Way—Dignity in Humility
- Images
- Image-Finding
- More on Image-Finding: A Summary
- Images: The Damage They Do
- Christmas Blessings—Objectivity and Subjectivity
- Three Basic Personality Types: Reason, Will, Emotion
- The Forces of Love, Eros, and Sex
- Three Basic Personality Types: Reason, Will, Emotion
- The Forces of Love, Eros, and Sex
- The Conflict Between Conscious and Unconscious Desires
- Authority
- The Wall Within
- The Life Force in the Universe
- Obstacles on the Path: Old Stuff, Wrong Guilt, and Who, Me?
- The Vicious Circle
- Importance of Forming Independent Opinions
- The God-Image
- Self-Love
- Questions and Answers
- Three Cosmic Principles: The Expanding, the Restricting, and the Static Principles
- Capacity to Wish—Health and Unhealthy Motives in Desire
- The Mass Image of Self-Importance
- The Desire for Happiness and the Desire for Unhappiness
- Questions and Answers
- The Abyss of Illusion—Freedom and Self-Responsibility
- Questions and Answers
- Man and Woman
- Questions and Answers
- Outer Will and Inner Will—Misconception About Selfishness
- Questions and Answers
- Shame of the Higher Self
- Questions and Answers
- Suppression of Positive and Creative Tendencies—Thought Processes
- The Folly of Watching for Results While on the Path; Fulfillment or suppression of the Valid Desire to Be Loved
- Questions and Answers
- Reality and Illusion—Concentration Exercises
- The Fear of Loving
- Compulsion to Recreate and Overcome Childhood Hurts
- Confusions and Hazy Motivations
- The Great Transition in Human Development from Isolation to Union
- Questions and Answers (Compiled from Private Sessions and Earlier Lectures)
- Self-Confidence: Its True Origin and What Prohibits It
- Questions and Answers
- Questions and Answers
- Cooperation, Communication, Union
- Conflicts in the World of Duality
- The Conquest of Duality Symbolized in the Life and Death of Jesus
- The Idealized Self-Image
- Love, Power, Serenity as Divine Attribute and as Distortions
- Distortions of the Instincts of Self-Preservation and Procreation
- The Instincts of Self-Preservation and Procreation in Conflict
- The Next Phase on the Path: Questions and Answers
- Religion: True and False
- Emotional Growth and Its Function
- Moralizing—Disproportionate Reactions—Needs
- Questions and Answers
- Repressed Needs—Relinquishing Blind Needs—Primary and Secondary Reactions
- The Link Between the Main Image, Repressed Needs, and Defenses
- Sin and Neurosis—Unifying the Inner Split
- Self-Alienation and the Way Back to the Real Self
- Questions and Answers and Additional Comments on Laziness as Symptom of Self-Alienation
- Perfectionism Obstructs Happiness—Manipulation of Emotions
- Wishful Daydreams
- Falsified Impressions of Parents: Their Cause and Cure
- Meeting the Pain of Destructive Patterns
- The Defense
- The Seven Cardinal Sins
- Harm of too Much Love Giving—Constructive and Destructive Will Forces
- Intellect and Will as Tools or Hindrances of Self-Realization
- Humanity’s Relationship to God in Various Stages of Development
- Sadness Versus Depression—Relationship
- Three Aspects That Prevent Loving
- Fundamental Guilt for not Loving—Obligations
- Spiritual and Emotional Health Through Restitution for Real Guilt
- Hope and Faith and Other Key Concepts Discussed in Answers to Questions
- Soul Substance—Coping With Demands
- Humanitiy’s Relationship to Time
- Identification with the Self
- Struggle: Healthy and Unhealthy
- Perceptions, Determination, Love as Aspects of Consciousness
- Reaching the Spiritual Center—Struggle Between the Lower Self and the Superimposed Conscience
- Shame: A Legacy of Childhood Experiences, Even Favorable Ones
- Duality Through Illusion—Transference
- Movement, Consciousness, Experience: Pleasure, the Essence of Life
- The Individual and Humanity
- Displacement, Substitution, Superimposition
- Self-Fulfillment Through Self-Realization as Man or Woman
- Liberation and Peace by Overcoming Fear of the Unknown
- The Language of the Unconscious
- Transition from the No-current to the Yes-current
- Contact with the Life Force
- Evolution’s Four Stages: Automatic Reflexes, Awareness, Understanding, Knowing
- Limitations Created Through Illusory Alternatives
- Winner Versus Loser: Interplay Between the Self and Creative Forces
- Finding True Abundance by Going Through Your Fear
- Interaction Between Expression and Impression
- The Function of the Ego in Relationship to the Real Self
- Love: Not a Commandment, But Spontaneous Soul Movement of the Inner Self
- The Concept of Evil
- Mobility in Relaxation—Suffering Through Attachment of the Life Force to Negative Situations
- The Illusory Fear of the Self
- Balance of Inner and Outer Control
- The Human Predicament of Desire for, and Fear of, Closeness
- Deadening of the Live Center Through Misinterpretation of Reality
- Conflict of Positive Versus Negative Oriented Pleasure as the Origin of Pain
- Return to the Original Level of Perfection
- The Longing for and the Fear of Happiness—Also, the Fear of Releasing the Little Ego
- Unity and Duality
- The Process and Significance of Growing
- Responding to the Call of Life
- The Positive Concept of Life—Fearlessness to Love—the Balance Between Activity and Passivity
- The Nature of Life and Human Nature
- Positivity and Negativity: One Energy Current
- Cosmic Pull Toward Union—Frustration
- Self-Liking: The Condition for Universal State of Bliss
- Intensity: An Obstacle to Self-Realization
- Connection Between the Ego and the Universal Power
- The Self-Regulating Nature of Involuntary Processes
- Pulsation of Consciousness
- Fear of Self—Giving and Receiving
- Questions and Answers
- Infinite Possibilities of Experience Hindered by Emotional Dependency
- The Ego’s Cooperation With or Obstruction of the Real Self
- Life Manifestations Reflects Dualistic Illusion
- Conciliation of the Inner Split
- Unconscious Negativity Endangers Surrender of Ego to Involuntary Processes
- Three Levels of Reality for Inner Guidance
- Mind Activity and Mind Receptivity
- Further Aspects of Polarity—Selfishness
- Evolutionary Phases in the Relationship Between the Realms of Feelings, Reason, and Will
- Perceiving, Reacting, Expressing
- Frozen Life Center Becomes Alive
- Two Basic Ways of Life: Toward and Away From the Center
- The Masculine and Feminine Principles in the Creative Process
- Fear of Bliss Versus Longing for It—The Energy Centers
- Spiritual Laws
- The Life Energy Centers
- Basic Attitudes and Practices to Open the Centers—The Right Attitude Toward Frustration
- Self-Esteem
- Consciousness: Fascination with Creation
- Overcoming Negativity
- Pleasure—The Full Pulsation of Life
- The Universal Principle of Growth Dynamics
- Chain Reactions in the Dynamics of Creative Life Substance
- The Spiritual Significance of Human Relationship
- The Meaning of the Human Struggle
- The Process of Meditation (Meditation for Three Voices: Ego, Lower Self, Higher Self)
- The Spiritual Meaning of Crisis
- The Meaning of Evil and Its Transcendence
- Mutuality: A Cosmic Principle and Law
- Venture in Mutuality: Healing Force to Change Negative Inner Will
- (The Way to Handle) Alternation of Expansive and Contracting States
- Affecting and Being Affected
- Self-Identification Determined Through Stages of Consciousness
- Importance of Experiencing All Feelings, Including Fear—The Dynamic State of Laziness
- Inner and Outer Experience
- Real and False Needs
- Resume of the Basic Principles of the Pathwork: Its Aim and Process
- Meditation: Its Laws and Various Approaches—A Summary (Meditation as Positive Life Creation)
- Identification and Intentionality: Identification with the Spiritual Self to Overcome Negative Intentionality
- Commitment: Cause and Effect
- Energy and Consciousness in Distortion: Evil
- Transition to Positive Intentionality
- The Meaning of the Ego and Its Transcendence
- The Cosmic Feeling
- Demagnetizing Negative Force Fields—Pain of Guilt
- Psychic Interaction of Negativity
- Interpenetration of the Divine Light Spark into the Outer Regions—Mind Exercises
- What Is the Path?
- Order as a Universal Principle
- Desire: Creative or Destructive
- The Spiritual Symbolism and Significance of Sexuality
- The Innate Human Capacity to Create
- The Roscoe Lecture: Inspiration for the Pathwork Center
- Visualization Process for Growing into the Unitive State
- Outer Events Reflect Self-Creation—Three Stages
- Claiming the Total Capacity for Greatness
- The Spiritual and the Practical Meaning of “Let Go, Let God”
- Psychic Nuclear Points
- Psychic Nuclear Points Continued—Process in the Now
- Connection Between the Incarnatory Process and the Life Task
- The Phenomenon of Consciousness
- The Evolutionary Process
- Christmas Message—Message to the Children
- Reawakening from Pre-Incarnatory Anesthesia
- Faith and Doubt in Truth or Distortion
- Transformation of the Lower Self
- The Era of the New Age and New Consciousness
- Creative Emptiness
- Evolutionary Stages of Individual and Group Consciousness
- Approach to Self—Self-Forgiveness Without Condoning the Lower Self
- Change From Outer to Inner Laws in the New Age
- Balance
- Woman and Man in the New Age
- The Universality of Change—Reincarnative Process in the Same Life Span
- New Age Education
- Being Values Versus Appearance Values—Self-Identification
- The Power of the Word
- Perfection, Immortality, Omnipotence
- The Anatomy of Contraction
- The Superstition of Pessimism
- Leadership—The Art of Transcending Frustration
- The Pulse of Life on all Levels of Manifestation
- Christmas Lecture 1975
- Aspects of the Anatomy of Love: Self-Love, Structure, Freedom
- Dynamics of Movement and Resistance to Its Nature
- The Spiritual Meaning of Political Systems
- The Great Existential Fear and Longing
- “Be in the World but not of the World”—The Evil of Inertia
- Cause and Effect on Various Levels of Consciousness
- Tradition: It’s Divine and Distorted Aspects
- The Mass Images of Judiasm and Christianity
- Three Principles of the Forces of Evil—Personification of Evil
- The Pain of Injustice—Cosmic Records of All Personal and Collective Events, Deeds, Expressions
- Inner Awareness of Grace—Exposing the Deficit
- The Evolution and Spiritual Meaning of Marriage—New Age Marriage
- Privacy and Secrecy
- Continue Your Struggle and Cease All Struggle
- Surrender
- The Birthing Process—Cosmic Pulse
- Inner Space, Focused Emptiness
- Aspects of the New Divine Influx: Communication, Group Consciousness, Exposure
- Personal Contact With Jesus Christ—Positive Aggression—The Real Meaning of Salvation