What if we could have our own experiences that would reveal the truth to us. So then believing wouldn’t be necessary because we would have our own knowing.
Get a Better Boat
5 From believing to knowing: The trip of a lifetime

About: Personal experience becomes our proof

What if we could have our own experiences that would reveal the truth to us. So then believing wouldn’t be necessary because we would have our own knowing.
What if we could have our own experiences that would reveal the truth to us? Then believing wouldn’t be necessary because we would have our own knowing.

Are the Pathwork teachings—and in turn, my Phoenesse writings—essentially a philosophy? Perhaps. For according to Manson, “Philosophy is the inquiry into our understanding of reality, knowledge, and how we should live.” Indeed, that describes the Pathwork teachings to a T. And believing isn’t part of the program.

Bet a better boat book

All essays | Get a Better Boat

We Can Heal | After the Ego • Blinded by Fear

Real. Clear. series | Holy Moly • Finding Gold • Bible Me This • The Pull • Pearls • Gems • Bones • Nutshells

Self. Care. series | Spilling the Script • Healing the Hurt • Doing the Work

More | Walker • Word for Word • Living Light • Spiritual Laws

Read Keys, a collection of Jill Loree’s favorite Pathwork Questions & Answers, on The Guide Speaks