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Spiritual essays

Spiritual essays

Essays about the spiritual nature of life

Let’s come out of the dark: A short walk through the psyche

By |November 7, 2023|Categories: Comments from Jill|

All darkness is nothing other than twisted rays of light that can, with effort, be restored to their original condition. Such transformation is, in fact, what life’s struggles are urging us to do.

We need more awareness…of what, exactly?

By |August 25, 2023|Categories: Comments from Jill, Spilling the Script|

These spiritual teachings from Phoenesse are showing us how to transform the parts of ourselves still lost in darkness. For only then can we learn to live fully from our inner light. To accomplish this, we must develop a deeper awareness of who we truly are.

Read 33 spiritual essays in Get a Better Boat

By |October 16, 2022|Categories: Comments from Jill|

This collection of 33 spiritual essays was created over a period of three years, starting in 2020, inspired by Pathwork teachings. This body of work paints a powerful picture of what it means to walk a spiritual path and become a more spiritual person.

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