The work of healing: Green

The work of healing: Green

Green section: Hidden wrong conclusions • Recreating childhood hurts • The ego • Transformation

The WORK OF HEALING involves facing into:

Soul splits
Unmet needs
Body blocks

Idealized Self-Image
Inner critic

Hidden wrong conclusions
Recreating childhood hurts
The ego

Our hidden misunderstandings—what the Pathwork Guide calls “images”—cause us to behave in ways that create life experiences that make them appear to be true. Bones_Phoenesse

Our hidden misunderstandings cause us to behave in ways that create life experiences that make them appear to be true.

Hidden Wrong Conclusions

  • Our mistaken beliefs about ourselves, others and life in general, called images, are generalizations. We form them at a young age using the logic of a child. We go on to apply them to life as though they are 100% true. For example, “All men/women lie to me,” “I will never be enough,” “I always have to prove I am worthy”. Our hidden misunderstandings cause us to behave in ways that create life experiences that make them appear to be true. They are not. (Bones, Chapter 9: Images and the deep, deep damage they do)
  • As we grow up, since our wrong conclusions aren’t true and don’t really hold water, they sink into our unconscious. There they hide, where we can no longer see them. More importantly, since we are not aware of them, we can’t change them using our better adult reasoning. Hence, they rule. Our life situations reflect back to us exactly what we unconsciously believe. (Suffering? It’s time to search for images)
Our vicious circles come from the traps of our wrong thinking and unfelt feelings that keep us spinning in old hurts. Bones_Phoenesse

Our vicious circles come from the traps of our wrong thinking and unfelt feelings that keep us spinning in old hurts.

Recreating Childhood Hurts

  • We will go through life creating vicious circles, over and over. These come from the traps of our wrong thinking and unfelt feelings that keep us spinning in old hurts. We keep defending ourselves against the pain caused by our own inner distortions. (Bones, Chapter 10: Unpacking the pain of our old destructive patterns)
  • Beyond this, this fractured young aspect of ourselves feels it was defeated, and this time, it thinks, we are going to win! It’s not true, however, that we were ever defeated. And so it’s equally untrue that we if we remain lost in illusion, we will ever win. Victory lies in seeing the greater truth of the situation and dying into our feelings of disappointment. Remember, doing so won’t kill us; feeling all our feelings is what sets us free. (Bones, Chapter 1: Emotional growth and Its function and Chapter 8: How and why we recreate childhood hurts)
  • When we start walking a spiritual path, our vicious circles turn into spirals. Over time, we will unwind our inner wrong thinking and release the pain attached to them. Eventually, we step out of the prisons of our painful recreations and walk into freedom. (It’s a jungle In there: Hacking our way around a spiritual path)
Doing the work of healing will require us to have a strong, well-disciplined ego. After the Ego_Phoenesse

Doing the work of healing will require us to have a strong, well-disciplined ego.

The Ego

  • Every person has, at their core, a Higher Self. This is the truth of who we are. Here, in our spiritual center, we are each imbued with the divine qualities of courage, love and wisdom. In addition, we each have gone through the Fall (see Part Two: The Prequel) and acquired a Lower Self. The goal of our Lower Self is to keep us separate. To go the way of the Lower Self, we only need to follow the path of least resistance. (Bones, Chapter 3: The Higher Self, the Lower Self, and the Mask Self)
  • This means the ego must make an effort to transcend the Lower Self and follow the quieter inner voice of the Higher Self. Meditation can be helpful to hear what our Lower Self is saying—to see where our work lies. Meditation also helps us listen for the wiser direction continually streaming from our Higher Self. First, we need to clear the loud clamoring of our Lower Self. We do this by feeling our old pain and surfacing our wrong conclusions. Then we can realize the truth emanating from our Higher Self and imprint it in our soul substance. (Bones, Chapter 18: How to use meditation to create a better life . And Pearls, Chapter 14: Meditating to connect three voices: The ego, the Lower Self & the Higher Self)
  • The ego must also learn to surrender to the greater self. It does this by asking for help, listening for guidance, letting go of results and learning to trust God. A strong ego knows it can give up having what the little self wants, at least for a limited time. Because this is a necessary step for finding God within and ultimately getting what we really want, which is to be at peace. (Pearls, Chapter 17: Discovering the key to letting go & letting God)
If we get all the way to the other side of our inner obstacles, our frictions with others will resolve. The Pull_Phoenesse

If we get all the way to the other side of our inner obstacles, our frictions with others will resolve.


  • Our belief in something greater than ourselves will organically unfold as we apply these teachings to our lives and free ourselves from our self-made prisons. It is hard to describe the joy and serenity that unfold when we are in alignment with truth. (Gems, Chapter 11: Four avenues for reaching the cosmic nougat at our core)
    • The value of visiting this dualistic sphere lies in the friction that naturally arises at the interface between our distortions and the inner distortions of others. Because we often don’t see the distortions in ourselves, we project them onto others, where we can see them. Too often we stop there and mire ourselves in blame and victimhood. We need to go further and find the untruth where it lives, and where we have the ability to correct it: inside us. Over time, if we get all the way to the other side of our inner obstacles, our frictions with others will resolve. (The Pull, Chapter 4: The spiritual significance of human relationship)
    • As we mature, we will begin to give love, and in return, receive what our hearts desire. We will come to know what we want, instead of relying on the unrealistic demands of our immature fractured selves. These young inner parts of ourselves are in need of healing so that we can re-integrate ourselves and become whole once again. (Gems, Chapter 4: Claiming our total capacity for greatness, and Chapter 14: How to visualize living in a state of unity)
There is no particular order for reading and working with these topics. For on a spiritual path, we step into doing our healing work wherever, whenever and however it surfaces. What matters is to cover them all over time.


Soul splits

Unmet needs


Body blocks



Idealized self-image

Inner critic



Hidden wrong conclusions

Recreating childhood hurts

The ego


About spirituality and self-transformation: The work of healing The prequel The rescue