Bible Me This
Bible Me This
A collection of Pathwork teachings from Q&As about the Bible

BIBLE ME THIS: Releasing the riddles of Holy Scripture through questions about the Bible
The Bible is a stumper for many of us. It’s not unlike the Riddler teasing Batman with his “riddle me this” taunts. But what if we could understand the Bible and know what some of those obscure passages mean? What’s the truth hiding in the myth of Adam & Eve? And what was up with that Tower of Babel?
Bible Me This is a collection of in-depth answers to a variety of questions about the Bible. Here is the Pathwork Guide’s call for questions:
“It would be most helpful and beneficial for you, my friends, if you became more familiar with the Bible. I am most eager and willing to help you understand this great document. To disentangle for you what belongs on which level.
For this great book is a combination of fragments of historical accounts; of symbolic meanings; and of the greatest truths; of distortions deriving from human limitation of consciousness; of existing cultural conditions that were “right” at that time, but are no longer so today.
I would like to lift up the jewels of truth contained in this book, separating the grains from the husks. So that you can appreciate and benefit from the timeless wisdom of these messages. So I suggest that you ply me with questions. You have a whole month to prepare. And I promise you that I will give you interpretations. These answers will be most useful and helpful for everyone. This will open a new horizon for you.”
— The Pathwork® Guide lecture #243

Even with its flubs, the Bible has no equal. Few people can grasp the meaning that exists on all levels.
1 Understanding the Bible | Podcast
Back in the day of Christ, Mystery Schools were a way to safeguard spiritual truths. This was to keep the masses from getting at them and making a mess of them. And in fact, this does seem to be what happens in current times when people attempt to read, interpret and understand the Bible without the benefit of a clean lens. It seems riddled with contradictions and shrouded in mystery. Turns out, that was intentional. So much for avoiding a mess.
2 Understanding myths| Podcast
People often have a mistaken idea about what myths are. Over half of us think of them as inventions, fantasies, fairy tales or lies. The real meaning of myth is quite different from this.
3 Myth: Tower of Babel| Podcast
There are many myths in the book of Genesis, including the one about the Tower of Babel. In fact, it could be possible to write entire books just to explain this passage. That’s how much it contains. For now, we’ll consider just one aspect of it, starting with the reference to “of one language.”
For men and women alike, we think we are practically two different species…In truth, our differences aren’t half as great as we think they are. We are the reverse of each other, with men embodying the active current and women the more passive. Where men are more passive though, women are more active. We’re two sides of the same coin.
So we can look at how the myth of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis conveys this. Here you have the masculine and feminine represented, which would be the active and passive respectively. Yet in the story, we have Eve, which is the feminine and passive aspect, taking the first step toward the Fall of the Angels. Why would this be so?
5a Bible passages explained, Part One | Podcast
5b Bible passages explained, Part Two | Podcast
5c Bible passages explained, Part Three | Podcast
6 Commandments explained| Podcast
The Guide offers insight for understanding the deeper meaning of the following commandments:
2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
4) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5) Honor thy father and thy mother.
6) Thou shalt not kill.
7 Reincarnation in the Bible| Podcast
Reincarnation was on Jesus’ mind when he spoke of how we need to be reborn… It would be pure folly to assume that we could complete all of the development we need to do in one short life. This defies any logic and all common sense. So Holy Scripture hints at reincarnation in the concept of being reborn. But it seems to be a boldface fact in the clear expression that John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah. In the early years after the life and death of Jesus Christ, in fact, it was normal for the Christian religion to teach reincarnation. So early Christians knew perfectly well that reincarnation was a true reality.
It was later on that church fathers saw how Eastern traditions were misusing the knowledge of reincarnation. So they took action to remove this danger; they took it out of the Bible.
What is the deeper meaning of baptism? When we use the expression “in the spirit of Jesus Christ,” or “in the name of Jesus Christ,” what does this mean?
©2015 Jill Loree. All rights reserved.

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