- Read or listen to original Pathwork lectures on the International Pathwork Foundation website
- Living Light, Chapter 6: TRANSFERENCE VS. PROJECTION | The world is our mirror
- What it means to be spiritual
- Bones, Chapter 13: The ubiquitous faults of self-will, pride and fear (listen to podcast)
3 Paying attention: The life-changing process of waking up
- Spilling the Script, Part II: Meeting the Selves
- Blinded by Fear, Chapter 6: The painful predicament of both desiring and fearing closeness (listen to podcast)
- After the Ego, Chapter 6: Self-identification Through the stages of awakening consciousness (listen to podcast)
4 The Real Self vs the True Self
- Bones, Chapter 7: Love, power and serenity in divinity or in distortion (listen to podcast)
- Spilling the Script, Part II: Masks & defenses
5 Finding the light switch: My husband, the ego and imposters
- Gems, Chapter 4: Claiming our total capacity for greatness (listen to podcast)
- Spilling the Script: LETTING IT GO | The ego
6 From believing to knowing: The trip of a lifetime
- Why We All Need Philosophy by Mark Manson
7 Taking the more mystical way home
- Bible Me This, Chapter 7: Reincarnation in the Bible (listen to podcast)
- Appendix A: Five ways to learn about the Fall and the Plan of Salvation
- The Guide Speaks, Topic: So many religions • Self-development
8 Two Martin Luthers, two kinds of faith
- Pearls, Chapter 13: Uncloaking the three faces of evil: Separation, materialism and confusion (listen to podcast)
10 After isolation: Approaching the Great Transition
- After the Ego: Insights from the Pathwork Guide on How to Wake Up (listen to book)
- Blinded by Fear, Chapter 6: The painful predicament of both desiring and fearing closeness (listen to podcast)
- Bones, Chapter 12: Finding out the truth about ourselves, including our faults (listen to podcast)
11 Living on the good side of life
- After the Ego, Chapter 5: Living with polar opposites and finding the good in being selfish (listen to podcast)
- After the Ego, Chapter 15: Cause and effect on various levels of consciousness (listen to podcast)
12 How inner obstacles let in dark forces
- Bones, Chapter 8: How and why we recreate childhood hurts (listen to podcast)
- Bones, Chapter 10: Unpacking the pain of our old destructive patterns (listen to podcast)
- Bones, Chapter 17: Overcoming our negative intention by identifying with our spiritual self (listen to podcast)
13 Closing the gaps in our awareness
- Bones, Chapter 12: Finding out the truth about ourselves, including our faults (listen to podcast)
- Bones, Chapter 13: The ubiquitous faults of self-will, pride and fear (listen to podcast)
- After the Ego, Chapter 10: The three states of consciousness (listen to podcast)
14 What’s hiding beneath our stories?
- Healing the Hurt: How to Help Using Spiritual Guidance
15 Suffering? It’s time to search for images
- Bones, Chapter 9: Images and the deep, deep damage they do (listen to podcast)
- Bones, Chapter 19: The giant misunderstanding about freedom and self-responsibility (listen to podcast)
16 Four hard lessons about immaturity and images
- Find your images on www.phoenesse.com
- Spilling the Script: UNDERSTANDING THE INNER CHILD | The Little-L Lower Self
- Appendix A: Five ways to learn about the Fall and the Plan of Salvation
19 What’s behind all the resistance?
- Pearls, Chapter 10: Two rebellious reactions to authority (listen to podcast)
- Blinded by Fear, Chapter 7: How fear of releasing the little ego spoils happiness (listen to podcast)
20 Feeling lost? Here’s how to find yourself
- Spilling the Script: Finding the treasure
- After the Ego, Chapter 12: Creating from emptiness (listen to podcast)
- Gems, Chapter 9: Why lazy is the worst way to be (listen to podcast)
21 Healing from every angle, in body, mind and spirit
- Pearls, Chapter 5: Preparing for reincarnation: Every life counts (listen to podcast)
- Pearls, Chapter 11: Bringing ourselves to order inside and out (listen to podcast)
- Bones, Chapter 2: The importance of feeling all our feelings, including fear (listen to podcast)
- Bones, Chapter 18: How to use meditation to create a better life (listen to podcast)
- The Guide Speaks, Topic: Body & Health/Vision
22 The tricky thing about self-responsibility
23 How to swim with life, by evolving and resolving our splits
- Appendix B: Deep prayer for healing
- Finding Gold, Chapter 5: Self-alienation and the way back to the Real Self (listen to podcast)
- Bones, Chapter: 11 Our habit of transferring our split onto everyone (listen to podcast)
- Blinded by Fear: Insights from the Pathwork Guide on How to Face Our Fears (listen to book)
- The Guide Speaks, Topic: Evolution
- Walker: A memoir
- Keywords: Answers to Key Questions Asked of the Pathwork Guide
- What I realized while writing After the Ego
25 The key to a happy marriage? Honesty
- The Pull, Chapter 6: The forces of love, eros and sex (listen to podcast)
26 The story of our lives: Why look within?
- Appendix A: Five ways to learn about the Fall and the Plan of Salvation
- Bones, Chapter 14: Exposing the mistaken image we have about God (listen to podcast)
- The Guide Speaks, Topic: How to find God
- The Spiritual World, Issue 3, May/June 2022 (in English)
- Pearls, Chapter 3: Exploring the spiritual nature of political systems (listen to podcast)
- Gems, Chapter 6: Finding balance within instead of banking on outer rules (listen to podcast)
- The Guide Speaks, Topic: Wasted lifetimes • Compassion vs pity
- Appendix C: Understand these spiritual teachings
- All Phoenesse spiritual podcasts
28 Learn to fight the right way, for the right thing
- Finding Gold, Chapter 8: Winner vs loser: Interplay between the Self and creative forces (listen to podcast)
- Living Light, Chapter 20: THE WALL WITHIN | Where, really, is the wall?
- Bones, Chapter 16: How pleasure gets twisted into self-perpetuating cycles of pain (listen to podcast)
30 Humor can heal, but sometimes it just hurts
- The Guide Speaks, Topic: Sarcasm • Self-development
- Salty: The Colorful Adventures of a Well-Seasoned Seadog by Lon Calloway
31: Part Three: The way out of misery
- Blinded by Fear: Chapter 9: Our fundamental fear of bliss (listen to podcast)
- Gems, Chapter 2: The evolutionary process & why we can’t stop it (listen to podcast)
32 Untangling the twisted threads of friction
- The Guide Speaks, Topic: Races